Pick or take photo, resize and send as email attachment - cross-platform support?

I’m simply wondering if Corona SDK can do this on Iphone, Android, and Windows Phone with one app written in Lua.

The basic idea is that one of the views in the app gets 3 buttons: Select Photo, Take Photo, and Send. Realistically, photos taken or picked will be something like 3000x2000px, should be oriented the way they were photographed, and resized to something like 980px width, keeping aspect ratio.

(We have developed working code for Iphone and Android using Obj-C and Java, respectively. Can these be “plugged in” to the Corona app somehow, leaving the Windows Phone view being developed in Lua?)

NOTE: If this is not plausible cross-platform, it would still be interesting if it works for Windows Phone only.

Hi @henrik5,

What you describe should work on iOS and Android. Support for Windows Phone is still underway. As for your native code, I believe it could be “plugged in” to Corona if you opted for the Enterprise package.

Best regards,


Hi @henrik5,

What you describe should work on iOS and Android. Support for Windows Phone is still underway. As for your native code, I believe it could be “plugged in” to Corona if you opted for the Enterprise package.

Best regards,
