Hi @joseanquiles,
I dug down into the core of the widget object using “pairs()” and located the internal function (not normally exposed) which should let you control the scrolling programmatically. Note that this method is not officially “supported” and I can’t promise that it won’t cause other issues or break something else… so, use it at your own risk.
During the time you are forcing the scroll, I would definitely prevent any user interaction on the wheel, for example, by placing an invisible but touch-sensitive blocking rectangle over it, so the user can’t attempt to scroll the wheel at the same time it’s doing so programmatically.
Here’s a quick example, assuming you have a picker widget already created named “pickerWheel”:
local gotoIndex = 3
local function forceScroll()
pickerWheel._view._columns[1]:scrollToIndex( gotoIndex )
timer.performWithDelay( 1000, forceScroll )
This will force the first column to scroll to index 3 after 1000 milliseconds. To scroll a different column, just change the index “[1]” to “[2]” or whatever column you need to scroll.
Best regards,