Hi Everyone
I am fairly new to corona labs, and I don’t understand how pickerwheel are supposed to be used
Does pickerwheel must be using 3 columns?
And must it occupy the whole width of the display screen?
Have a look at the following sample code:
display.setDefault(“background”, 255, 255, 255)
local widget = require(“widget”)
local pw, col
col =
align = “center”,
width = 100,
startIndex = 1,
labels = {
“No Pain”, “1”, “2”, “3”, “4”
pw = widget.newPickerWheel{
top = display.contentHeight - 300,
left = 20,
columns = col,
font = native.systemFontBold,
backgroundWidth = 120,
backgroundHeight = 120,
overlayFrameWidth = 120,
overlayFrameHeight = 120,
separatorWidth = 2,
separatorHeight = 120
It product a pickerwheel alright, but the overlay/background of the wheel is completely out of position, and I did not see any settings to position it.
Please advise what I have done wrong.
I have attached a screenshot to show the problem.