Pie Charts

I want to draw a pie chart in my app. Anyone have a code sample that does this?

Searching the forums I found an old thread that references a ragdogLib.lua library that has support for pie charts, except the website it’s linked from no longer exists :(. Does anyone have a copy of ragdogLib.lua with pie chart support in it?


Although I have about 8 versions of the ragdogLib.lua on my machine none of them have the piechart function. But you are in luck: SSK2 incorporated the function with smallish modifications. It is under extra -> misc.lua -> createPieChart


Awesome, thank you! I already use SSK in my app actually :slight_smile:

here is a additional doc link:


@roaminggamer nice to see you on the forums.

And did you notice my word search app is all because of you:


Congrats!  Looks good.

I’m in and out on occasion.