Hello Everyone! Nearly a year ago I posted on Corona Forums I was interested in learning Programming and I must say at first I thought it was impossible. I always saw my brother program his apps and I would help him with game ideas and always was interested in creating my own apps. Well about a year ago I began taking interest in Programming and my brother thought me the ropes around Corona he showed me tutorials that helped him out such as videos from Cheetomoskeeto and great tutorials from Peach Pellen. I also want to thank great classes that made it many things very simple such as Director Class and Beebegames and of course my brother Chris from LeivaGames.
On 2006 my baby brother died (R.I.P) he was only 9 months old and at that time I was only 6 years old but I will never forget during his time alive he was always in hospitals due to his illness and he had a favorite toy, which was a stuffed animal (a baby alligator) It was such a sad moment in my life I will never forget. I remember seeing my mother and family very sad and I always wanted to do something in memory of my baby brother and make my mother happy.
About a year ago I took interest in programming and I wrote a story using my baby brother’s favorite toy as the Main Character in the story. When I read the story to my family and friends everyone seemed to enjoyed it and I asked my brother for help in creating my first E-Book. I must say it was a great learning experience and even if my brothers did most of the programming part I learned so much and with what I learned in the process I am now making my very first Game App and im so excited to be able see friends and family play games I create and read my story, but none of this would had been possible without Corona SDK!
I want to thank Ansca and the whole community everyone that shares amazing codes and help out in the forums, all of you have been so amazing I am very happy to be part of the community and I apologize for not helping out much but im learning on my spare time since I have school. But as soon as I am an experienced programmer I will share any knowledge I have and if anyone needs help and I can help you out I will gladly help! I also want to thank my brother for helping me out so much and I am very excited seeing my first E-Book on iPad and iPhone and we are working to releasing it on other platforms like Android/Kindle/Nook!
If you have read this entire post I am very grateful and ask you to please download my E-Book and give me good ratings! I will also post my Twitter and Facebook if you want to follow me or add me and I will follow you back and add you! Thank You everyone so much and im giving out 6 promo codes below!!! 3 will be for iPad Version and 3 for iPhone Version I hope you all like it and I appreciate any feedback as I look to improve in this field.
Pinko’s Tale HD (iPad Version)
Pinko’s Tale (iPhone Version)
Promo Codes FREE
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/RyanLeiva28
My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ryan.leiva.9
LeivaGames Twitter: https://twitter.com/LeivaGames
LeivaGames Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/LeivaGames/126821094089862
Thank You Corona Labs and the entire community! I am so grateful and excited to have turn this dream into a reality! I have been interview in the radio and I must say this experience and journey wouldn’t be possible without Corona SDK it is such an amazing product and my sincere gratitude goes out to the Everyone at Corona Labs! [import]uid: 39667 topic_id: 35143 reply_id: 335143[/import]