Platformer Adventure Template


I got a question about Platformer Adventure Template.

Probably @Kan98 will be the best one to answer because he has created it :D.

While moving and camera follows the player tiles are flickering and it’s most obvious on big sized simulator.

Only tiles appear to be affected. For example collectables shows always just fine.

How can this be fixed?

This happens because the camera system is currently closely following the Player, and I haven’t implemented that well in this template.
The camera simply moves based on the Player’s deviation and the screen’s center point.
Since in the template I use “player” name to center the map in the update.

It needs an extra step to find the player object.

You can replace it with a player variable.

It’s not a perfect solution; you need to design a better camera system.

Additionally, the size discrepancy of the animation sheet is also causing issues. You can easily notice that if the animation isn’t played.


It will be significantly better. Because the position of the player has changed for each frame of the animation. You need to adjust the canvas of each frame to be the same. This may have occurred because I used TexturePacker to create the image sheet.

Thank you x100 for answering that fast.

Indeed the changes you proposed fixed the issue a lot but still tiles’ edges look weird while player is moving.

Unfortunately I’m not that good in reading and fixing other people’s code.

Amazing template for people who can find a solution though!!

I will improve the camera system in the near time.

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Hey guy!
I have updated the camera system, the problem is gone.
There are some features like camera smoothing, limit bounds, drag margin.


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