Platformer-AngledPHYSICS0v984-7 example scaling? Corona 2.0?

Hi Dyson,

I’m just running up the Platformer-AngledPHYSICS0v984-7 example and noting the physics shapes don’t appear to be the same size as the objects? (assuming this was the goal).   I’m running version 2014.2223 (2014.3.29).   Is there something I’m missing here?


Hello Greg,

You’re seeing a purely cosmetic issue with the Corona hybrid physics display, unrelated to MTE. Basically, the hybrid display does not update the size of its output when the scale of an object changes, in certain situations, leaving the shape appearing too small or too large. You’ll notice that the physics objects themselves do behave as expected despite the unusual hybrid display output; the player doesn’t fall through the ground or anything like that. 

dyson - is there a way to setup MTE (just temporarily) so that the “hybrid” view would be working?  perhaps the whole level would be much bigger than it should be but just to provide a way to see how MTE map versus player physics areas are lining up?

Sure, just change blockScale = 72 to blockScale = 32 in main.lua, around line 22 I believe. The same applies to all the other samples example for the Isometric sample. If the sample uses the old blockScale designator, set it to 32. If it uses scale, set it to 1.

Hello Greg,

You’re seeing a purely cosmetic issue with the Corona hybrid physics display, unrelated to MTE. Basically, the hybrid display does not update the size of its output when the scale of an object changes, in certain situations, leaving the shape appearing too small or too large. You’ll notice that the physics objects themselves do behave as expected despite the unusual hybrid display output; the player doesn’t fall through the ground or anything like that. 

dyson - is there a way to setup MTE (just temporarily) so that the “hybrid” view would be working?  perhaps the whole level would be much bigger than it should be but just to provide a way to see how MTE map versus player physics areas are lining up?

Sure, just change blockScale = 72 to blockScale = 32 in main.lua, around line 22 I believe. The same applies to all the other samples example for the Isometric sample. If the sample uses the old blockScale designator, set it to 32. If it uses scale, set it to 1.