platformer character doesn't fall off static ledge

I’m new to Corona/Lua and am attempting to make a basic platformer using the built in physics engine.  I’m encountering an odd problem.  My character jumps up and on to a static platform, but when walking off he never falls.  He just continues to move across the screen in mid-air until I hit the jump button again at which point he jumps in the air and then gravity takes him back to the ground.  Any ideas?

Here are some pieces of my code:


– the platform character jumps on

block = display.newImage(‘images/green_block.png’, 500, _H - 200)

block.myType = ‘ground’



– my character’s physics properties

physics.addBody(mario,“dynamic”,{density=4,bounce=0,friction=1} )

mario.isFixedRotation = true – makes Mario always upgright, physics won’t cause him to fall over

function jumpButton:touch(event)

– jump if pressed and Mario is not in air

if (event.phase == ‘began’ and marioInAir == false) then

mario:setLinearVelocity(0, -800) – was 800


marioInAir = true


jumpButton:addEventListener(‘touch’, touch )

– detect if Mario hits something

function onCollision(event)

if (event.object1.myType == ‘ground’ and event.object2.myName == ‘mario’) then


– mario is constantly colliding with the ground

– this prevents the animation for running from

– restarting a lot and causing sprite to stutter.

if (marioInAir == true ) then





– prevent mid-air jump by setting to false

marioInAir = false




So I think I may have found the answer.

I set mario.isSleepingAllowed = false, and so far, my character is consistently falling off the suspended platform instead of walking across the screen mid-air.

I could have also set physics.start(true).

So I think I may have found the answer.

I set mario.isSleepingAllowed = false, and so far, my character is consistently falling off the suspended platform instead of walking across the screen mid-air.

I could have also set physics.start(true).