Play Store Error

hey guys i am trying to upload my apk file to the play store i sign  the apk with a keystore, i also submitted an app  using the same method i am using now by generating the keystore in eclipse. when i try to upload the apk file to the play store i get this error below. what could i do to fix this. i try to read the developer article and i believe i followed the right steps. please help  


Upload failed

You uploaded a debuggable APK. For security reasons you need to disable debugging before it can be published in Google Play. Learn more about debuggable APKs.

Upload another APK  

Did you select a keystore other than “debugkeystore” in the Corona SDK build screen?

yes i did just that looked for the keystore i made and build the app but google is saying it is in debug mode 

The same error , today. It worked before with this keystore. I Don’t understand :frowning:

could some one tell us why this is happening thanks for help :frowning:

please hungry up, i have to update version in google play

Yeah I need to upload my new app I wonder if it’s a play store error instead of a corona sdk error

It seem error is from Corona SDK ? When build apk Corona turn on android:debuggable=“true”  in AndroidManifest.xml ?

I checked with another code,It has been build and uploaded succeful to google play but now it also get error above. :frowning:

I try seting the value to flase but corona uses a built settings and config file so I don’t know what the problem could be. This morning I try to upload the apk file again but the play store said I exceed my time to upload an apk. So I don’t understand stand this problem at all. I sign my last mobile application with the same keystore and it work but the second time I try I get the error. Also google could be the problem becuse corona sdk does not use manifest. And my build settings does not have this boolean value.

Same problem

I try to upload an apk  which successful upload before, but also get error

I think it’s google’s error 

Try to set android:debuggable=“false” ,but doing so has no effect

Did you set the value in your building settings

I try to use apksign.jar and jarsigner to re-sign the apk, but no effect

Even I do not use corona, it will also go wrong

Try contacting the google developer console I am going to try that too lets see what they say

hey i just contacting google try to upload your apk with a different browser because some time your extensions could interfere with the process of apk upload.   

Let me know if that solves things. I just uploaded an alpha build of an app (since I don’t have anything publishable) using Firefox and it took it with no errors.

Also, what version(s) of Corona SDK are you building with?

Are you on Windows or a Mac?

Any other information would be helpful.


I am on windows thanks

How did you sign your keystore did you cmd or or eclipse

It’s still error :frowning: . I use Corona SDK 2013.1138 ( 2013.6.12) on Window. Every thing worked, before. I only changed small in code to update version, now it don’t work :(. I’m stress now

Don’t be stress try this I just Read you could solve problems like these by logging out and log back in to google console I don’t try it yet but see if it work and let me know

I wonder if this is a Windows corona sdk problem that would be funny