Please Help ! Have Error In Facebook Ios Lua

I added to build.settings as a child of plist the next row:

FacebookAppID = “myFBAppID”,


and  now it does the login to the fb application, but anyway i receives some other error. Maybe somebody wants also to try it.

try adding this to your build.settings file:




[lua]FacebookAppID = “XXXXXX”,
CFBundleURLTypes =
CFBundleURLSchemes =


The FacebookAppID one is something new that they added.

I have just tried in Build: 2013.1064 and didn’t work for me. Anyone else with problem using that build?.  I have tried on a iPad2 iOS 6.1.3. The xCode console doesn’t show me any message. Just in case I added my build.setting.


settings = { orientation = { default = "landscapeLeft", supported = { "landscapeRight", "landscapeLeft" } }, android = { usesPermissions = { "", "android.permission.INTERNET" }, versionCode = "3", installLocation = "preferExternal" }, iphone = { plist = { UIStatusBarHidden = true, CFBundleIconFile = "Icon.png", CFBundleIconFiles = { "Icon.png" , "Icon@2x.png" , "Icon-72.png", "Icon-72@2x.png" }, UIAppFonts = { "edosz.ttf" }, UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend = false, FacebookAppId = "163863797095798", CFBundleURLTypes = { { CFBundleURLSchemes = { "fb163863797095798" } } }, UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities = { "armv7" }, MinimumOSVersion="5.1.1" } } }

@Screaming Leaf thanks, I already have it in build.settings. It still doesn’t works. 

If you succeed with fb login, what Corona build you use?

I didn’t had any problem with 2013.1025 one, but from the next 2013.1043 that I installed I have this issue.

tatiana , Screaming leaf  ,Thank For you two for Ans . I have try Screaming leaf solution on Build CoronaSDK 2013.1056 and It Work Fine with Facebook Example :) 


Very very Thank For you All :) 


ขอบคุณทุกคนครับ ;) 

I’m using the most recent daily build (1056). No issues that I have seen.


I also have the official facebook app installed. Not sure if that makes a difference.

@Screaming Leaf, @chayutzee, thanks it began to work also in my application on build 2013.1056


The “other error” that I talked about was a fb sdk error 2, and probably the root cause for it was the wrong fb appId in some place.


If it will help to anybody with similar error, my steps for it fix were: 

  1. to open the new corona project only with main.lua and build.settings files in it, and to write there only facebook.login function and its listener

  2. to open new fb application and to integrate it with the new opened corona project 

  3. to verify that everything works right in just created project and to debug the original project

There were changes to facebook recently in our daily builds due to changes made by Facebook.   This now requires us to include the extra FacebookAppId entry in the plist area of build.settings to continue to work.  The Facebook sample app shipping with the current daily build works.  I would seriouslly consider updating to the most recent daily build as long as you are aware of other breaking changes including Widgets 2.0 and Networking 2.0.  Widgets 2.0 is a big update with quite a bit of changes to apps using it. 

I didn’t copy well the new tag FacebookAppId, it shoudl be FacebookAppID, I and D have to be upperCase. Sorry for the lapse of concentration

God, I’ve been pulling my hair for 2 days trying to make Facebook SSO work, and this post helped me solve the issue. I wasn’t aware of that new line, thanks for posting the solution

I have just tried in Build: 2013.1064 and didn’t work for me. Anyone else with problem using that build?.  I have tried on a iPad2 iOS 6.1.3. The xCode console doesn’t show me any message. Just in case I added my build.setting.


settings = { orientation = { default = "landscapeLeft", supported = { "landscapeRight", "landscapeLeft" } }, android = { usesPermissions = { "", "android.permission.INTERNET" }, versionCode = "3", installLocation = "preferExternal" }, iphone = { plist = { UIStatusBarHidden = true, CFBundleIconFile = "Icon.png", CFBundleIconFiles = { "Icon.png" , "Icon@2x.png" , "Icon-72.png", "Icon-72@2x.png" }, UIAppFonts = { "edosz.ttf" }, UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend = false, FacebookAppId = "163863797095798", CFBundleURLTypes = { { CFBundleURLSchemes = { "fb163863797095798" } } }, UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities = { "armv7" }, MinimumOSVersion="5.1.1" } } }

I didn’t copy well the new tag FacebookAppId, it shoudl be FacebookAppID, I and D have to be upperCase. Sorry for the lapse of concentration

God, I’ve been pulling my hair for 2 days trying to make Facebook SSO work, and this post helped me solve the issue. I wasn’t aware of that new line, thanks for posting the solution

The documentation for facebook.publishInstall() still says to do the old way:

Should we instead be doing it the way it is suggested here? Is the documentation wrong?

Can you post your build.settings file and the errors you are seeing in the logs?



@Rob - I pinged my colleague to get some more details, and here is what he says:

We used the latest daily build .1259.  Yes, the error is the same as the
thread.  The error goes away when you put the “FacebookAppID” key in
the plist.  The question for us is what format should the URL Types and
Schemes be?  The one in the documentation that we used before, or the
CFBundle way that is posted in the thread.



What’s posted in this thread is what works for Facebook apps (with the inclusion of the other FacebookAppId key).  The Facebook docs for publishInstall’s says to do it the way it’s documented in the publishInstall API call.  I don’t have an answer on how to resolve it other than:

a) Try it the way the Facebook Sample App (i.e. above) does it and see if it works.  If so, no need to move on.

b) If it doesn’t work, try it with both.

Will let you know!

The documentation for facebook.publishInstall() still says to do the old way:

Should we instead be doing it the way it is suggested here? Is the documentation wrong?

Can you post your build.settings file and the errors you are seeing in the logs?

