Please Help ! Have Error In Facebook Ios Lua

Lua Runtime Error: lua_pcall failed with status: 6, error message is: com.facebook.sdk:InvalidOperationException: FBSession: No AppID provided; either pass an AppID to init, or add a string valued key with the appropriate id named FacebookAppID to the bundle *.plist


I use Build: 2013.1029 


i already add AppId in  

settings = { iphone = { plist = { CFBundleIconFile = "Icon.png", CFBundleIconFiles = { "Icon.png", "Icon@2x.png", "Icon-72.png", }, UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend = false, -- must be false for single sign-on to work CFBundleURLTypes = { { CFBundleURLSchemes = { "fb212411998879156", -- replace XXXXXXXXX with your facebook appId } } } } } }





i have a same issue


Reproduces for builds 2013.1043 , 2013.1053 , 2013.1056

is this a bug in corona sdk ?​  :(  :(  :( 

Mar 17 20:39:08 Zee-ipad FacebookSSOTE3[4810] <warning>: Lua Runtime Error: lua_pcall failed with status: 6, error message is: com.facebook.sdk:InvalidOperationException: FBSession: No AppID provided; either pass an AppID to init, or add a string valued key with the appropriate id named FacebookAppID to the bundle *.plist
		0 CoreFoundation 0x316192bb <redacted> + 186
		1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x3947297f objc_exception_throw + 30
		2 CoreFoundation 0x31618f99 <redacted> + 0
		3 FacebookSSOTE3 0x0010db9d start + 50453
		4 FacebookSSOTE3 0x001111e1 start + 64345
		5 FacebookSSOTE3 0x0010e7ff start + 53623
		6 FacebookSSOTE3 0x00220105 _ZNK6Corona12IOSFBConnect5LoginEPKcPS2_i + 364
		7 FacebookSSOTE3 0x00221991 _ZN6Corona15FacebookLibrary5loginEP9lua_State + 188
		8 FacebookSSOTE3 0x0017d359 CoronaLuaCreateDictionary + 169516
		9 FacebookSSOTE3 0x00189e89 CoronaLuaCreateDictionary + 221532
		10 FacebookSSOTE3 0x0017d547 CoronaLuaCreateDictionary + 170010
		11 FacebookSSOTE3 0x00176f15 CoronaLuaCreateDictionary + 143848
		12 FacebookSSOTE3 0x0018ac57 CoronaLuaCreateDictionary + 225066
		13 FacebookSSOTE3 0x0017d77b CoronaLuaCreateDictionary + 170574
		14 FacebookSSOTE3 0x00176eed CoronaLuaCreateDictionary + 143808
		15 FacebookSSOTE3 0x001a0593 CoronaLuaCreateDictionary + 313446
		16 FacebookSSOTE3 0x001966df CoronaLuaCreateDictionary + 272818
		17 FacebookSSOTE3 0x00199cfb CoronaLuaCreateDictionary + 286670
		18 FacebookSSOTE3 0x0019a129 CoronaLuaCreateDictionary + 287740
		19 FacebookSSOTE3 0x00199dff CoronaLuaCreateDictionary + 286930
		20 FacebookSSOTE3 0x0019a0cb CoronaLuaCreateDictionary + 287646
		21 FacebookSSOTE3 0x001b4879 CoronaLuaCreateDictionary + 396108
		22 FacebookSSOTE3 0x001370b3 start + 219691
		23 FacebookSSOTE3 0x0013790b start + 221827
		24 UIKit 0x33562baf <redacted> + 234
		25 UIKit 0x33562baf <redacted> + 234
		26 UIKit 0x334345f1 <redacted> + 524
		27 UIKit 0x33421801 <redacted> + 380
		28 UIKit 0x3342111b <redacted> + 6154
		29 GraphicsServices 0x351155a3 <redacted> + 590
		30 GraphicsServices 0x351151d3 <redacted> + 34
		31 CoreFoundation 0x315ee173 <redacted> + 34
		32 CoreFoundation 0x315ee117 <redacted> + 138
		33 CoreFoundation 0x315ecf99 <redacted> + 1384
		34 CoreFoundation 0x3155febd CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 356
		35 CoreFoundation 0x3155fd49 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 104
		36 GraphicsServices 0x351142eb GSEventRunModal + 74
		37 UIKit 0x33475301 UIApplicationMain + 1120
		38 FacebookSSOTE3 0x001016f7 start + 111
		39 FacebookSSOTE3 0x001016b0 start + 40



this is log When i open Facebook example App  :(  :frowning:

pls. anybody help .  :frowning:

I updated the Corona build to the latest and it broke the Facebook implementation that previously worked.


I get the same error:

: Lua Runtime Error: lua_pcall failed with status: 6, error message is: com.facebook.sdk:InvalidOperationException: FBSession: No AppID provided; either pass an AppID to init, or add a string valued key with the appropriate id named FacebookAppID to the bundle *.plist


+1 on this bug

backslash , Can you tell me what build that you use that have no problem ?​

I don’t remeber exactly, but it was more then a month older (way before Widgets 2.0 were introduced).

thx backslash ,I will try CoronaSDK 2013.1038 and will let you kwon if that work fine . :slight_smile:

I added to build.settings as a child of plist the next row:

FacebookAppID = “myFBAppID”,


and  now it does the login to the fb application, but anyway i receives some other error. Maybe somebody wants also to try it.

try adding this to your build.settings file:




[lua]FacebookAppID = “XXXXXX”,
CFBundleURLTypes =
CFBundleURLSchemes =


The FacebookAppID one is something new that they added.

@Screaming Leaf thanks, I already have it in build.settings. It still doesn’t works. 

If you succeed with fb login, what Corona build you use?

I didn’t had any problem with 2013.1025 one, but from the next 2013.1043 that I installed I have this issue.

tatiana , Screaming leaf  ,Thank For you two for Ans . I have try Screaming leaf solution on Build CoronaSDK 2013.1056 and It Work Fine with Facebook Example :) 


Very very Thank For you All :) 


ขอบคุณทุกคนครับ ;) 

I’m using the most recent daily build (1056). No issues that I have seen.


I also have the official facebook app installed. Not sure if that makes a difference.

@Screaming Leaf, @chayutzee, thanks it began to work also in my application on build 2013.1056


The “other error” that I talked about was a fb sdk error 2, and probably the root cause for it was the wrong fb appId in some place.


If it will help to anybody with similar error, my steps for it fix were: 

  1. to open the new corona project only with main.lua and build.settings files in it, and to write there only facebook.login function and its listener

  2. to open new fb application and to integrate it with the new opened corona project 

  3. to verify that everything works right in just created project and to debug the original project

There were changes to facebook recently in our daily builds due to changes made by Facebook.   This now requires us to include the extra FacebookAppId entry in the plist area of build.settings to continue to work.  The Facebook sample app shipping with the current daily build works.  I would seriouslly consider updating to the most recent daily build as long as you are aware of other breaking changes including Widgets 2.0 and Networking 2.0.  Widgets 2.0 is a big update with quite a bit of changes to apps using it. 


i have a same issue


Reproduces for builds 2013.1043 , 2013.1053 , 2013.1056

is this a bug in corona sdk ?​  :(  :(  :( 

Mar 17 20:39:08 Zee-ipad FacebookSSOTE3[4810] <warning>: Lua Runtime Error: lua_pcall failed with status: 6, error message is: com.facebook.sdk:InvalidOperationException: FBSession: No AppID provided; either pass an AppID to init, or add a string valued key with the appropriate id named FacebookAppID to the bundle *.plist
		0 CoreFoundation 0x316192bb <redacted> + 186
		1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x3947297f objc_exception_throw + 30
		2 CoreFoundation 0x31618f99 <redacted> + 0
		3 FacebookSSOTE3 0x0010db9d start + 50453
		4 FacebookSSOTE3 0x001111e1 start + 64345
		5 FacebookSSOTE3 0x0010e7ff start + 53623
		6 FacebookSSOTE3 0x00220105 _ZNK6Corona12IOSFBConnect5LoginEPKcPS2_i + 364
		7 FacebookSSOTE3 0x00221991 _ZN6Corona15FacebookLibrary5loginEP9lua_State + 188
		8 FacebookSSOTE3 0x0017d359 CoronaLuaCreateDictionary + 169516
		9 FacebookSSOTE3 0x00189e89 CoronaLuaCreateDictionary + 221532
		10 FacebookSSOTE3 0x0017d547 CoronaLuaCreateDictionary + 170010
		11 FacebookSSOTE3 0x00176f15 CoronaLuaCreateDictionary + 143848
		12 FacebookSSOTE3 0x0018ac57 CoronaLuaCreateDictionary + 225066
		13 FacebookSSOTE3 0x0017d77b CoronaLuaCreateDictionary + 170574
		14 FacebookSSOTE3 0x00176eed CoronaLuaCreateDictionary + 143808
		15 FacebookSSOTE3 0x001a0593 CoronaLuaCreateDictionary + 313446
		16 FacebookSSOTE3 0x001966df CoronaLuaCreateDictionary + 272818
		17 FacebookSSOTE3 0x00199cfb CoronaLuaCreateDictionary + 286670
		18 FacebookSSOTE3 0x0019a129 CoronaLuaCreateDictionary + 287740
		19 FacebookSSOTE3 0x00199dff CoronaLuaCreateDictionary + 286930
		20 FacebookSSOTE3 0x0019a0cb CoronaLuaCreateDictionary + 287646
		21 FacebookSSOTE3 0x001b4879 CoronaLuaCreateDictionary + 396108
		22 FacebookSSOTE3 0x001370b3 start + 219691
		23 FacebookSSOTE3 0x0013790b start + 221827
		24 UIKit 0x33562baf <redacted> + 234
		25 UIKit 0x33562baf <redacted> + 234
		26 UIKit 0x334345f1 <redacted> + 524
		27 UIKit 0x33421801 <redacted> + 380
		28 UIKit 0x3342111b <redacted> + 6154
		29 GraphicsServices 0x351155a3 <redacted> + 590
		30 GraphicsServices 0x351151d3 <redacted> + 34
		31 CoreFoundation 0x315ee173 <redacted> + 34
		32 CoreFoundation 0x315ee117 <redacted> + 138
		33 CoreFoundation 0x315ecf99 <redacted> + 1384
		34 CoreFoundation 0x3155febd CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 356
		35 CoreFoundation 0x3155fd49 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 104
		36 GraphicsServices 0x351142eb GSEventRunModal + 74
		37 UIKit 0x33475301 UIApplicationMain + 1120
		38 FacebookSSOTE3 0x001016f7 start + 111
		39 FacebookSSOTE3 0x001016b0 start + 40



this is log When i open Facebook example App  :(  :frowning:

pls. anybody help .  :frowning:

I updated the Corona build to the latest and it broke the Facebook implementation that previously worked.


I get the same error:

: Lua Runtime Error: lua_pcall failed with status: 6, error message is: com.facebook.sdk:InvalidOperationException: FBSession: No AppID provided; either pass an AppID to init, or add a string valued key with the appropriate id named FacebookAppID to the bundle *.plist


+1 on this bug

backslash , Can you tell me what build that you use that have no problem ?​

I don’t remeber exactly, but it was more then a month older (way before Widgets 2.0 were introduced).

thx backslash ,I will try CoronaSDK 2013.1038 and will let you kwon if that work fine . :slight_smile: