Please help with collision. I want a dynamic object collide with another object but do not apply force

Hello, I’m totally new at the world of corona, I hope I can explain myself

I have my character, he moves around with function player:setLinearVelocity(p_velX, p_velY)

I have a map where I can move this way, in map I have static objects that collide with my character, and it works ok.

The problem is that, when I create 1 more object, I want this object be dynamic but, when my character collide with this kind of objects, it applys x force and this dynamic objects get pushed.

What I want is that my character do not apply force to this other dynamic objects, because I want they be enemys that can enter in ‘mele combat’ 

Sorry for my poor english and ty in advance

Hello @m.asdrubal.marquez,

One solution is to to make the new object (that collides with your character) as a “kinematic” body type. This body type is not affected by physical forces, including gravity, but it will continue to sense collisions with your character.

If these other object must be dynamic (for example, they should collide with “static” objects), then you can make them “sensor” objects.

Hope this helps,


Hello, ty for answer, and yes, I will play with different body types.

I guess I’m doing my objetcs dynamics with sensor on true.

Hello @m.asdrubal.marquez,

One solution is to to make the new object (that collides with your character) as a “kinematic” body type. This body type is not affected by physical forces, including gravity, but it will continue to sense collisions with your character.

If these other object must be dynamic (for example, they should collide with “static” objects), then you can make them “sensor” objects.

Hope this helps,


Hello, ty for answer, and yes, I will play with different body types.

I guess I’m doing my objetcs dynamics with sensor on true.