I am using the facebook plug-in (plugin.facebook.v4) and after install on iOS device I am getting the below error.
Note that the error happen when the application run : facebook = require( “plugin.facebook.v4” ). The strange things is that when running in simulator the facebook = require( “plugin.facebook.v4” ) run w/o error (in simulator I am getting a warning when trying to login() - whic is OK).
Using Corona SDK 2015.2777
Any Idea what can caus the crash in IOS ?
19:34:11 Yuvals-iPhone NIS[930] <Warning>: Runtime Error: Runtime error: module ‘plugin.facebook.v4’ not found:resource (plugin.facebook.v4.lu) does not exist in archive
no field package.preload[‘plugin.facebook.v4’]
no file ‘/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/5B562E36-60DE-4637-86CB-A7317B0BCE0F/NIS.app/plugin/facebook/v4.lua’
no file ‘/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/5B562E36-60DE-4637-86CB-A7317B0BCE0F/NIS.app/plugin/facebook/v4.lua’
no file ‘./plugin/facebook/v4.so’
no file ‘/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/5B562E36-60DE-4637-86CB-A7317B0BCE0F/NIS.app/plugin/facebook/v4.so’
no file ‘./plugin.so’
no file '/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/5B562E36-60DE-4637-86CB-A7317B0BCE0F/NIS.app/plugin.so’plugin.facebook.v4
Yuval F