plugin.firebaseAnalytics unsupported error

Hi there,
I try to integrate the firebaseAnalytics by using plugin.firebaseAnalytics.
The marketplaceId ID have been set and the plugin of firebaseAnalytics is set to active at the marketplace.
The error message : Warning You are using on unsupported plugin, please see updated plugin on
And I also try the sample code : GitHub - scottrules44/firebaseAnalytics-demo
Still the same error.
version: 2025.3717 (2025.2.9)

Please help me with this issue and give me advise, thanks!



  1. Make sure Corona Sim is closed first.

  2. Please clean out your plugin cache; you do this by going to the Home folder and deleting the “Solar2DPlugins” folder. And try launching Corona Sim again (if that works, please ignore other steps).

  3. If you still get an error, do steps 1 and 2 again; this time, go to the Home folder > Library (if you don’t see this file, hit CMD+Shift+. keys with Finder selected to show) >Application Support > Corona.

  4. Delete the “Simulator” folder, which only contains plugins for Sim.

  5. Relaunch Corona Sim.

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Hi @Scott_Harrison ,Thank you for your quick reply, the problem has been solved.
About the Demo :GitHub - scottrules44/firebaseAnalytics-demo
Is the local firebaseConfig = { apiKey= "AIzaSyBouW3qRDbDGIGreQj1Gk0-kBWZtLqzCc0", authDomain= "", databaseURL= "", projectId= "corona-sdk-4-82825584", storageBucket= "", messagingSenderId= "652763858765", appId= "1:652763858765:web:68320c1e0dec341d095904", measurementId= "G-CHT4LV5J43" } necessary? or I can just use : firebaseAnalytics.init() ?

And there is no log for the code : `-- init Firebase Analytics

initFirebase = function()
firebaseAnalytics.init( function( event )
if ( event.isError ) then
print( "Firebase Analytics init Failed: " … event.errorMessage )
print( “Firebase Analytics init Successfully” )
– init
@Scott_Harrison Please help me with this issue, thanks a lot.


Please read docs carefully

firebaseAnalytics.init(config, callback)

– initialize firebase analytics

config(table)-- Only required and used for Web Builds, pass config info from firebase console see example below and setup section

callback(function)-- Only required and used for Web Builds, callback for when firebase library loads on web. Sends event.isError(boolean)

This two prams are only used with html5 build

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Yes! Thank you very much.