I am working on a small two player Pong type game which would require physics similar to Air Hockey.
Is that possible with the physics included with Corona SDK?
I am working on a small two player Pong type game which would require physics similar to Air Hockey.
Is that possible with the physics included with Corona SDK?
Top down pong and/or air hockey? Yes, possible.
I Google’d “Corona Pong” and found this little code example:
(haven’t tried it yet, but it looks like it might be ok - what you think?)
H = display.contentHeight W = display.contentWidth display.setStatusBar(display.HiddenStatusBar) system.activate("multitouch") physics = require('physics') physics.start() physics.setGravity(0,0) playing = false local score1 = 0 local score2 = 0 leftwall = display.newRect(0,0, 10, 320) leftwall.name = "leftwall" physics.addBody(leftwall, "static", {bounce=1, density=1}) rightwall = display.newRect(470, 0, 10, 320) rightwall.name = "rightwall" physics.addBody(rightwall, "static", {bounce=1, density=1}) floor = display.newRect(0,310, 480, 10) physics.addBody(floor, "static", {bounce=1, density=1}) top = display.newRect(0,0, 480, 10) physics.addBody(top, "static", {bounce=1, density=1}) function onPostCollision(e) if (e.other.name == "leftwall") then score2 = score2 + 1 score2text.text = score2 transition.to(ball, {x = W/2, y= H/2, time=0}) playing = false ball:setLinearVelocity(0,0) elseif (e.other.name == "rightwall") then score1 = score1 + 1 score1text.text = score1 transition.to(ball, {x = W/2, y= H/2, time=0}) playing = false ball:setLinearVelocity(0,0) end end local function onCollision(e) end ball = display.newCircle(250,165,10) ball.name = "ball" physics.addBody(ball, {bounce=1, density=10, radius=10}) ball:addEventListener("postCollision", onPostCollision) ball:addEventListener("collision", onCollision) function movePad(e) if not (e.target.name == "pad1" or e.target.name == "pad2") then return false end local touchObject = e.target if e.phase == "moved" then touchObject.y = e.y end end pad1 = display.newRect(30, 115, 20, 90) pad1.name = "pad1" physics.addBody(pad1, "static", {bounce=1, density=1}) pad1:addEventListener("touch", movePad) pad2 = display.newRect(430, 115, 20, 90) pad2.name = "pad2" physics.addBody(pad2, "static", {bounce=1, density=1}) pad2:addEventListener("touch", movePad) score1text = display.newText("0", W/4, H/2 - 20, "Arial", 40) score1text:setTextColor(0,200,0) score2text = display.newText("0", W/4\*3, H/2 - 20, "Arial", 40) score2text:setTextColor(0,200,0) local pause = display.newRect(W/2, 280, 20,20) function pause:tap(e) playing = not playing if (playing) then ball:applyLinearImpulse(10,10, ball.x, ball.y) else ball:setLinearVelocity(0,0) end end pause:addEventListener("tap", pause)
I think you should give it a try and tell us what you think. Your opinion will matter more here since you want to learn from it.
Top down pong and/or air hockey? Yes, possible.
I Google’d “Corona Pong” and found this little code example:
(haven’t tried it yet, but it looks like it might be ok - what you think?)
H = display.contentHeight W = display.contentWidth display.setStatusBar(display.HiddenStatusBar) system.activate("multitouch") physics = require('physics') physics.start() physics.setGravity(0,0) playing = false local score1 = 0 local score2 = 0 leftwall = display.newRect(0,0, 10, 320) leftwall.name = "leftwall" physics.addBody(leftwall, "static", {bounce=1, density=1}) rightwall = display.newRect(470, 0, 10, 320) rightwall.name = "rightwall" physics.addBody(rightwall, "static", {bounce=1, density=1}) floor = display.newRect(0,310, 480, 10) physics.addBody(floor, "static", {bounce=1, density=1}) top = display.newRect(0,0, 480, 10) physics.addBody(top, "static", {bounce=1, density=1}) function onPostCollision(e) if (e.other.name == "leftwall") then score2 = score2 + 1 score2text.text = score2 transition.to(ball, {x = W/2, y= H/2, time=0}) playing = false ball:setLinearVelocity(0,0) elseif (e.other.name == "rightwall") then score1 = score1 + 1 score1text.text = score1 transition.to(ball, {x = W/2, y= H/2, time=0}) playing = false ball:setLinearVelocity(0,0) end end local function onCollision(e) end ball = display.newCircle(250,165,10) ball.name = "ball" physics.addBody(ball, {bounce=1, density=10, radius=10}) ball:addEventListener("postCollision", onPostCollision) ball:addEventListener("collision", onCollision) function movePad(e) if not (e.target.name == "pad1" or e.target.name == "pad2") then return false end local touchObject = e.target if e.phase == "moved" then touchObject.y = e.y end end pad1 = display.newRect(30, 115, 20, 90) pad1.name = "pad1" physics.addBody(pad1, "static", {bounce=1, density=1}) pad1:addEventListener("touch", movePad) pad2 = display.newRect(430, 115, 20, 90) pad2.name = "pad2" physics.addBody(pad2, "static", {bounce=1, density=1}) pad2:addEventListener("touch", movePad) score1text = display.newText("0", W/4, H/2 - 20, "Arial", 40) score1text:setTextColor(0,200,0) score2text = display.newText("0", W/4\*3, H/2 - 20, "Arial", 40) score2text:setTextColor(0,200,0) local pause = display.newRect(W/2, 280, 20,20) function pause:tap(e) playing = not playing if (playing) then ball:applyLinearImpulse(10,10, ball.x, ball.y) else ball:setLinearVelocity(0,0) end end pause:addEventListener("tap", pause)
I think you should give it a try and tell us what you think. Your opinion will matter more here since you want to learn from it.