guys. I am getting closer to being done with the pong game. I originally had the score increase if the ball collides with wall but what happens is each time the ball is served the old one just gets stuck on bottom of the screen. So i decide to just have collisions with the top & bottom of the screen. I want the ball to pass thru the sides of the screen if the paddles miss the ball. I now want the score increase if the ball passes thru the left or right side of the wall so I need to track the location of the wall. see below let me know what you think. function moveball () ---local myCircle = display.newCircle( 200, 200, 30 ) myCircle = display.newCircle( 200, 200, 30 ) myCircle:setFillColor( 0.5 ) physics.addBody(myCircle,"dynamic",{density=0.1,bounce = .8, friction = 0}) --myCircle.x =330 myCircle.x =300 myCircle.y =125 ----this works to make the ball bounce off the paddle but ball moves at random for x & y myCircle:setLinearVelocity(math.random(-600,-300),math.random(-100,500)) ---this moves cpupaddle (cpupaddle,{x=cpupaddle.x, y=cpupaddle.y + math.random(-250,200)}) if mycircle.x = 600 --this part is not exactly correct just an idea then cpuscore= cpuscore + 1 if mycirle.x = -600 then player1score= player1score + 1 end
You know that this function will create a knew ball every time it is run?
It sounds like the old ball got stuck on the bottom of the screen because you didn’t get rid of it.
Let me make sure I understand this. You want to make a pong like game where there is two paddles and a ball and the paddles hit the ball to each other and when the ball passes thru one of the sides one of the paddles was defending then the other paddle gets the point and you start over with the ball in the center. Right?
hi guys
the ball actually can comes from the cpu player side - in this case the right side of the screen
I will post all my code later but it does not have the scoring logic that think it should have which is when the ball goes thru the right or left wall.
I orginally had the score go up when the sides were hit and the top and bottom were not part of the collision so the ball would just fall thru the bottom of the screen.
I then thought all four walls should have collision detection but when I watched a pong game online collision was only detected on the top and bottom.
so I think once I remove the left and right walls from collisions detection the ball will pass thru them and therefore disappear each time either paddle misses the wall. But the now I score the game has to change from the ball hitting either wall to passing thru the wall.
so this why I think if I can detect when a ball passes beyond a certain axis point in either direction the score will be update
so I think my if statement would read like this
if mycircle.x =\> 600 --this part is not exactly correct just an idea then cpuscore= cpuscore + 1 if mycirle.x =\> -600 then player1score= player1score + 1 end
this function will only be called at certain points of the game like when it starts or gets restarted when it ends. - I know the ball be created each time the function is called. This is what I created it for.
I have another function that currently ends the game I think when the game hits 5 or 10 pts for testing purposes.
I will post my original code that has all 4 walls with collision detection later and play around with my idea but I wanted some feedback before I started to work on my code again for this game.
I am slowly getting there. Once I am done I think I will move on to another classic game. I hope to one day make really good games but I have to learn bit by bit by working on a simpler game.
thanks in advance guys.
just curious what do games do most beginners start with when it comes to corona & lua?
i figured out I had to uses sensors for scoring but now when I click on the text link to restart the game multiple balls come out at once
see my code below
---ball now moves but multiple balls and wall collisions and scoring. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- main.lua -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----pong game ----- -- Your code here local physics = require("physics") physics.start() -----load music -----local backgroundMusic = audio.loadStream("Stealth Music - Ninja.mp3") --------l------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- scoring ---- Player 1 score player1score = 0 player1scoreTxt = display.newText( "Player 1 Score: 0", 0, 0, "Helvetica", 30 ) player1scoreTxt.x = display.contentCenterX player1scoreTxt.y = 10 ---CPU Score cpuscore=0 cpuscoreTxt = display.newText( "CPU Player Score: 0", 0, 0, "Helvetica", 30 ) cpuscoreTxt.x = display.contentCenterX cpuscoreTxt.y = 500 ------------------------------------------------ ------------layout of room ----left side of room local myleft = display.newLine( 10, -50, 10, 1000 ) ----physics.addBody( myleft, "static" ,{density = 0, friction = 0}) physics.addBody( myleft, "static", { isSensor=true }) myleft.isSensor = true ----rightside of room local myright = display.newLine( 310, 900, 310, -50 ) ---physics.addBody( myright, "static" ,{density = 0, friction = 0}) physics.addBody( myright, "static", { isSensor=true }) myright.isSensor = true --center of room local mycenter = display.newLine( 160, 550, 170, -50 ) ---bottom of room local mybottom =display.newLine( - 9899, 500, 495, 520 ) physics.addBody( mybottom, "static" ,{density = 0, friction = 0}) ---top of room local mytop =display.newLine( -925, -97, 555, -1 ) physics.addBody( mytop, "static" ,{density = 0, friction = 0}) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- local creategamescreen local startgame local moveball local ballcollison ------creates first screen a player sees function creategamescreen() startgametext = display.newText( "Tap here to start the game!", 150, 250, "Helvetica", 24 ) startgametext:setFillColor( 1, 0, 0 ) local function removetxt() display.remove(startgametext) startgame() end startgametext:addEventListener ( "tap", removetxt ) end creategamescreen() ----this starts the game function startgame(event) print("function startgame starts") player1score = 0 player1scoreTxt.text = "Player1 Score: " .. player1score print ("player 1 score is ",player1score) cpuscore = 0 cpuscoreTxt.text = "CPU Score: " .. cpuscore print ("cpu score is ",cpuscore) timer.performWithDelay ( 4000, moveball ) ------------------------------------------------------------------- end -- Create a rectangle player one myRect = display.newRect( 0, 0, 30, 100 ) myRect.x =40 myRect.y =125 --- paddle for computer player cpupaddle=display.newImage ("paddle1.png") cpupaddle.x =270 cpupaddle.y =325 ---makes ball bounce physics.addBody( cpupaddle, "static" ,{density = 1.0, friction = .3, bounce = 0}) physics.addBody( myRect, "static" ,{density = 1.0, friction = .3, bounce = 0}) ---------------move paddle player#1 local function ontouch (event) if event.phase == "ended" then ----moves it any where i click-- --- (myRect,{x=event.x, y=event.y}) ---just moves it up and down (myRect,{y=event.y}) end end Runtime:addEventListener("touch", ontouch) ----draw ball function moveball () myCircle = display.newCircle( 200, 200, 30 ) myCircle:setFillColor( 0.5 ) physics.addBody(myCircle,"dynamic",{density=0.1,bounce = .8, friction = 0}) myCircle.x =300 myCircle.y =125 ----this works to make the ball bounce off the paddle but ball moves at random for x & y ---myCircle:setLinearVelocity(math.random(-600,-300),math.random(-100,500)) myCircle:setLinearVelocity(math.random(-600,-300),math.random(-100,500)) ---this moves cpupaddle (cpupaddle,{x=cpupaddle.x, y=cpupaddle.y + math.random(-230,180)}) end function gameover() local gameovertext = display.newText( "Game Over! click here to restart", 150, 250, "Helvetica", 24 ) gameovertext:setFillColor( 1, 0, 0 ) local function removegameovertext(event) print ("game restarted") --gameovertext = nil display.remove(gameovertext) startgame() end gameovertext:addEventListener ( "tap",removegameovertext) end ---collsion notificatons when ball hits paddle and move paddle 2 function ballcollison( self, event) --if ( event.phase == "began" ) then -- print ("event began") --checks score if player1score \>5 then print ("player1 won gameover") gameover() elseif cpuscore \>5 then print ("test") print ("cpu won gameover") gameover() else print (" both scores are under 5 points serve the ball") timer.performWithDelay ( 4000, moveball ) end end local myCircle = display.newCircle( 200, 200, 30 ) myCircle:setFillColor( 0.5 ) myCircle.alpha =0 myRect.collision = ballcollison myRect:addEventListener("collision") --myCircle.collision = ballcollison --myCircle:addEventListener( "collision" ) ---leftwall collision ---collsion notificatons when ball hits left wall function leftwallcollison( self, event) ----added if ( event.phase == "began" ) then print ("event left wall began") elseif ( event.phase == "ended" ) then print ("ball hit left wall") print ("cpu scored") cpuscore = cpuscore + 1 cpuscoreTxt.text = "CPU Score: " .. cpuscore print ("cpu score is ",cpuscore) end end myleft.collision = leftwallcollison myleft:addEventListener( "collision" ) ---right collision ---collsion notificatons when ball hits right wall function rightwallcollison( self, event) ----added if ( event.phase == "began" ) then print ("event right wall began") elseif ( event.phase == "ended" ) then print ("ball hit right wall") print ("player1 scored") player1score = player1score + 1 player1scoreTxt.text = "Player1 Score: " .. player1score print ("player1 score is ",player1score ) end end myright.collision = rightwallcollison myright:addEventListener( "collision" ) --function bottomwallcollison( self, event) --local obj = --myCircle = nil ---- --if ( event.phase == "began" ) then print ("event bottom wall began") -- elseif ( event.phase == "ended" ) then -- print ("removingball" ) --display.remove( myCircle ) -- end --end --mybottom.collision = bottomwallcollison --mybottom:addEventListener( "collision" )
can any one tell me why so many balls generated when i restart the game see code above
This is just me thinking out loud but in your game over function try adding
myCircle = nil[/lua]
I know how to remove the balls. My issue now is that when I restart the game I get about 4 to 8 balls served at the same time.
see when I click on the text “game over click here to restart the game”. It runs my start game function and all these balls get served up.
But if I relauch the app from the simulator I don’t get the issue or if I click on the text that “starts the game”
I am wondering if the timer portion is the cause — timer.performWithDelay ( 4000, moveball )?
any thoughts
function gameover() local gameovertext = display.newText( "Game Over! click here to restart", 150, 250, "Helvetica", 24 ) gameovertext:setFillColor( 1, 0, 0 ) local function removegameovertext(event) print ("game restarted") --gameovertext = nil display.remove(gameovertext) startgame() end gameovertext:addEventListener ( "tap",removegameovertext)
can anyone help me ?
posting so much code will not help… we expect you to localise to the code that is causing the issue and then we will advise.
we are all busy and don’t want to spend ages trying to figure out your entire code base
sorry guys I thought the full code would help . Keep in mind I am not sure which is causing the issue of too many balls being served when the text " game over click to restart the game" is click on.
I am examining the it now it may be the logic if statements here.
--if ( event.phase == "began" ) then -- print ("event began") --checks score if player1score \>5 then print ("player1 won gameover") gameover() elseif cpuscore \>5 then print ("test") print ("cpu won gameover") gameover() else print (" both scores are under 5 points serve the ball") timer.performWithDelay ( 4000, moveball ) end end
thanks in advance for your help
how can I stop timer.performWithDelay ( 4000, moveball )
ok it the move ball function that is the cause of multiple balls being created but only when I restart the game.
i move the circle outside the function only one ball gets created like I want but in the begging the ball is show but then drops because of the physics start piece in the begining
so I then change the location of the ball so it is off the screen.
so is there a way to have the ball stay stil til the move function is called
function moveball () physics.addBody(myCircle,"dynamic",{density=0.1,bounce = .8, friction = 0}) myCircle.x =300 myCircle.y =125 ----this works to make the ball bounce off the paddle but ball moves at random for x & y ---myCircle:setLinearVelocity(math.random(-600,-300),math.random(-100,500)) myCircle:setLinearVelocity(math.random(-600,-300),math.random(-100,500)) ---this moves cpupaddle (cpupaddle,{x=cpupaddle.x, y=cpupaddle.y + math.random(-230,180)}) end
You need to stop the timer function
Local timer= timer.performWithDelay ( 4000, moveball )
And then in gameover function:
Timer = nil
A few things that might help
You should have a stopGame() function that you call when your game has ended which should drop your objects, timers and listeners and stop physics.
You should have a startGame() function the initialises your game state. This should create your objects in default positions, create any timers and set/reset any counters (like store). Now you can start physics again.
finally finish the game its not perfect but it works
----pong game
------testing version
– Your code here
-----local backgroundMusic = audio.loadStream(“Stealth Music - Ninja.mp3”)
local creategamescreen
local startgame
local gameover
pongpoint = audio.loadSound ( “pongscore.wav” )
serverball = audio.loadSound ( “pongserverball.wav” )
--------------------------- score board
---- Player 1 score
player1score = 0
player1scoreTxt = display.newText( “Player 1 Score: 0”, 0, 0, “Helvetica”, 30 )
player1scoreTxt.x = display.contentCenterX
player1scoreTxt.y = 10
—CPU Score
cpuscoreTxt = display.newText( “CPU Player Score: 0”, 0, 0, “Helvetica”, 30 )
cpuscoreTxt.x = display.contentCenterX
cpuscoreTxt.y = 500
------------layout of room
----left side of room
local myleft = display.newLine( 10, -50, 10, 1000 )
----rightside of room
local myright = display.newLine( 310, 900, 310, -50 )
–center of room
local mycenter = display.newLine( 160, 550, 170, -50 )
—bottom of room
local mybottom =display.newLine( - 9899, 500, 495, 520 )
—top of room
–local mytop =display.newLine( -925, -97, 555, -1 )
local mytop =display.newLine( -925, -72, 555, -27 )
– Create a rectangle player one
myRect = display.newRect( 0, 0, 30, 100 )
myRect.x =40
myRect.y =125
— paddle for computer player
cpupaddle=display.newImage (“paddle1.png”)
cpupaddle.x =270
cpupaddle.y =325
------creates first screen a player sees
function creategamescreen()
startgametext = display.newText( “Tap here to start the game!”, 150, 250, “Helvetica”, 24 )
startgametext:setFillColor( 1, 0, 0 )
local function removetxt()
startgametext:addEventListener ( “tap”, removetxt )
---------------move paddle player#1
local function ontouch (event)
if event.phase == “ended” then
----moves it any where i click–
— (myRect,{x=event.x, y=event.y})
—just moves it up and down (myRect,{y=event.y})
Runtime:addEventListener(“touch”, ontouch)
----this starts the game
function startgame(event)
print(“function startgame starts”)
local physics = require(“physics”)
---------- add physics to layout of room
----left side of room
physics.addBody( myleft, “static”, { isSensor=true })
myleft.isSensor = true
----rightside of room
physics.addBody( myright, “static”, { isSensor=true })
myright.isSensor = true
—bottom of room
local mybottom =display.newLine( - 9899, 500, 495, 520 )
physics.addBody( mybottom, “static” ,{density = 0, friction = 0})
—top of room
local mytop =display.newLine( -925, -97, 555, -1 )
physics.addBody( mytop, “static” ,{density = 0, friction = 0})
—add physics to paddles
physics.addBody( cpupaddle, “static” ,{density = 1.0, friction = .3, bounce = 0})
physics.addBody( myRect, “static” ,{density = 1.0, friction = .3, bounce = 0})
player1score = 0
player1scoreTxt.text = "Player1 Score: " … player1score
print ("player 1 score is ",player1score)
cpuscore = 0
cpuscoreTxt.text = "CPU Score: " … cpuscore
print ("cpu score is ",cpuscore)
timer.performWithDelay ( 4000, moveball ) (serverball )
— ends the game
function gameover()
local physics = require(“physics”)
local gameovertext = display.newText( “Game Over! click here to restart”, 150, 250, “Helvetica”, 24 )
gameovertext:setFillColor( 1, 0, 0 )
local function removegameovertext(event)
print (“game restarted”)
–gameovertext = nil
gameovertext:addEventListener ( “tap”,removegameovertext)
function moveball ()
print (“server the ball”)
local physics = require(“physics”)
myCircle = display.newCircle( 200, 200, 30 )
myCircle:setFillColor( 0.5 )
myCircle.x = display.contentCenterX
myCircle.y = display.contentCenterY
physics.addBody(myCircle,“dynamic”,{density=0.1,bounce = .8, friction = 0})
----this works to make the ball bounce off the paddle but ball moves at random for x & y
—this moves cpupaddle
– (cpupaddle,{x=cpupaddle.x, y=cpupaddle.y + math.random(-230,180)})
– (cpupaddle,{x=cpupaddle.x, y=cpupaddle.y + math.random(-100,100)}) (cpupaddle,{x=cpupaddle.x, y=math.random(-200,100)}) (cpupaddle,{x=cpupaddle.x, y=math.random(10,250)})
------comment out for backup
—leftwall collision
—collsion notificatons when ball hits left wall
function leftwallcollison( self, event)
if ( event.phase == “began” ) then
print (“event left wall began”)
elseif ( event.phase == “ended” ) and cpuscore <11 then
print (“ball hit left wall”)
print (“cpu scored”)
cpuscore = cpuscore + 1 (pongpoint)
cpuscoreTxt.text = "CPU Score: " … cpuscore
print ("cpu score is ",cpuscore)
timer.performWithDelay ( 4000, moveball ) (serverball)
elseif cpuscore >10 then
print (“gameover CPU won game”)
myleft.collision = leftwallcollison
myleft:addEventListener( “collision” )
function rightwallcollison( self, event)
if ( event.phase == “began” ) then
print (“event right wall began”)
elseif ( event.phase == “ended” ) and player1score <11 then
print (“ball hit right wall”)
print (“player1 scored”)
player1score = player1score + 1 (pongpoint)
player1scoreTxt.text = "Player1 Score: " … player1score
print ("player1 score is ",player1score )
timer.performWithDelay ( 4000, moveball ) (serverball)
elseif player1score >10 then
print(“gameover player1 won game”)
myright.collision = rightwallcollison
myright:addEventListener( “collision” )
You know that this function will create a knew ball every time it is run?
It sounds like the old ball got stuck on the bottom of the screen because you didn’t get rid of it.
Let me make sure I understand this. You want to make a pong like game where there is two paddles and a ball and the paddles hit the ball to each other and when the ball passes thru one of the sides one of the paddles was defending then the other paddle gets the point and you start over with the ball in the center. Right?