Pool game demo

I really like miniclip’s 8 ball pool app and I was wondering if I could create reasonable looking spinning balls with corona.  I spent some time on it today and enjoyed writing/testing the demo more than playing the miniclip app!  


Looks great John.  Tip: If you paste the full (not short) link it will embed the video in a viewable window right in the post.



You should package that up as a template and put it on the marketplace!

Thanks for the tip - maybe it will be up to market place standards in future.  A lot of trial and error - and plenty of head scratching working out the math.  When top spin and screw are working, I’ll get some pockets added to the table.  :slight_smile:


Wow looks very cool.

As an analog real world billiards player I really like the angle illustrations and the possibility to set the hitting point to screw, brake and speed up the white ball… I spent a lot of time explaining this stuff to new players :slight_smile: Your app illustrates it very well. 

Thanks, ojnab, but I can’t take any credit for the ghost ball and guides - most pool apps seem to do it that way.  I’ll try and get a working app from it and look for some testers.  Every once in a while, I notice a strange bounce angle or other weird anomaly - just trying to iron out the kinks…



Very, very impressive stuff in Corona. Really smooth.

I have to ask the question though - why wouldn’t you just do something like this in Unity - would take a couple of hours, tops? Other than the satisfaction of getting Corona to do things it wasn’t designed for, of course! :slight_smile:

Thanks, Nick.  I only wanted to create a 2d, top down view, so Corona + 2d assets seemed perfect for the job.  I’ve used unity a few times, but I don’t think I could knock it out in a couple of hours!  I reckon I’ve put about 10 - 15 hours of work into it (including assets with Gimp and Inkscape) and I thought that was pretty fast!  Maybe I’m just getting old!   :o

@splash21 I must admit I never tried any pool games… so I will give you the credit anyway :slight_smile: it looks very smooth and impressive in the video.

@nick_sherman I can find lots of reasons to do this kind of game in Corona instead of unity, since it is not really a 3d game. Unity creates bloated ipa builds and has poor performance for 2d to name a few.

I saw a post about GameSparks in another thread and had to check it out - sounded really impressive.  Added some basic multiplayer to the demo : each player gets a shot and then play is handed over to the other player.  The video shows play between an iphone 6 and the simulator. 


Looking pretty darned awesome! Nice job! Keep it up

Looks great John.  Tip: If you paste the full (not short) link it will embed the video in a viewable window right in the post.



You should package that up as a template and put it on the marketplace!

Thanks for the tip - maybe it will be up to market place standards in future.  A lot of trial and error - and plenty of head scratching working out the math.  When top spin and screw are working, I’ll get some pockets added to the table.  :slight_smile:


Wow looks very cool.

As an analog real world billiards player I really like the angle illustrations and the possibility to set the hitting point to screw, brake and speed up the white ball… I spent a lot of time explaining this stuff to new players :slight_smile: Your app illustrates it very well. 

Thanks, ojnab, but I can’t take any credit for the ghost ball and guides - most pool apps seem to do it that way.  I’ll try and get a working app from it and look for some testers.  Every once in a while, I notice a strange bounce angle or other weird anomaly - just trying to iron out the kinks…



Very, very impressive stuff in Corona. Really smooth.

I have to ask the question though - why wouldn’t you just do something like this in Unity - would take a couple of hours, tops? Other than the satisfaction of getting Corona to do things it wasn’t designed for, of course! :slight_smile:

Thanks, Nick.  I only wanted to create a 2d, top down view, so Corona + 2d assets seemed perfect for the job.  I’ve used unity a few times, but I don’t think I could knock it out in a couple of hours!  I reckon I’ve put about 10 - 15 hours of work into it (including assets with Gimp and Inkscape) and I thought that was pretty fast!  Maybe I’m just getting old!   :o

@splash21 I must admit I never tried any pool games… so I will give you the credit anyway :slight_smile: it looks very smooth and impressive in the video.

@nick_sherman I can find lots of reasons to do this kind of game in Corona instead of unity, since it is not really a 3d game. Unity creates bloated ipa builds and has poor performance for 2d to name a few.

I saw a post about GameSparks in another thread and had to check it out - sounded really impressive.  Added some basic multiplayer to the demo : each player gets a shot and then play is handed over to the other player.  The video shows play between an iphone 6 and the simulator. 
