Positioning A Vent Behind An Image?

Is there a way so that a vent doesn’t play over an image? I’ve tried to declare and call the vent before the image but it is still playing on top of it. Is there a parameter to set this, I’ve tried looking around but couldn’t find one. Thanks.

Absolutely. Create a group, position your image in front of it, then, when you create your vent, set the parameter ‘parentGroup’ to the group.

Alternatively, use ‘group:insert(vent.content)’. It does the same thing.

  • C

Thanks, Caleb! Works perfectly! 

Absolutely. Create a group, position your image in front of it, then, when you create your vent, set the parameter ‘parentGroup’ to the group.

Alternatively, use ‘group:insert(vent.content)’. It does the same thing.

  • C

Thanks, Caleb! Works perfectly!