possible widget.newButton feature?

I was wondering if this could be a possible new feature added to the widget.Buttons. Or if it’s already possible, the API’s surely don’t show it. Here’s my situation with my widget buttons…

My defaultFile is 438x118 and my overFile is 214x59. So when the button is pressed, it shinks in half, and this looks really good! But the only way I can make this happen is if I leave out the width and height , which means I have to sacrifice the content scaling. It’d be nice if there was an overWidth and an overHeight or something.


tutBtn = widget.newButton { width = 429, \<--- height = 118, \< --- defaultFile = "tutBtn.png", overFile = "tutBtn-over.png", id = "tutBtn", onEvent = toTutorials, } tutBtn.x = display.contentWidth \* 0.5 tutBtn.y = 200 menuGroup:insert(tutBtn)

You could make the button sizes the same but for over use transparency around it. Or make them the same size and scale the button when pressed

You could make the button sizes the same but for over use transparency around it. Or make them the same size and scale the button when pressed