Post Photo On Fb From Photolibrary

Hello Team,
I want to select a photo from Photo Library and want to send it via attachment to upload it on social networks. Please help me to save photo object in display.newImage/newImageRect(photo).
How i can get image from library/camera and send/upload it to anywhere or on wall post.?
photo =
    if photo then
        photo.x = 800
        photo.y = 300
        --local obj=display.newImage(photo,100,100,true)
I want to add this photo object in attachments table. Like: 

local attachment = {
                name = “Developing a FB network!”,
                link = “http://www…com”,
                caption = “Link caption”,
                description = “Game Development.”,
                picture = photo,
                actions = json.encode( { { name = “Learn More”, link = “” } } )
            facebook.request( “me/feed”, “POST”, attachment )