Hey Community,
I am writing an app where the user can upload a photo to facebook.
I was trying to do the upload with Facebook Plugin (former library) and the showDialog() function.
This would be the most convenient way including the native Facebook flair and no need to install the Facebook app (contrary to the Social Plugin).
I could not find a way to get this work, the reason seems to be that current showDialog() implementation does not support Facebooks current Graph API when posting photos (Place seems to work).
So I implemented it with facebook.request(“me/photos”, “POST”, attachment). This works so far, I also implemented a Textfield where the user can add a message to the photo, BUT :
Before you can publish the app at Facebook Developer Ports you must submit it to Facebook review. And here is the answer to my photo upload solution:
People must enter all content in the user message field. Your app can’t auto-populate the message field with any content, including links and hashtags, even if you allow users to edit the content before sharing.
Please remove any pre-filled text from your shared content before resubmitting for review.
You can find more detail and examples in this informational video, and in Platform Policy 2.3So wi
So at the moment my only option when using facebook.request() is to upload just a photo without any additional text / message. (and this is the only option everyone else has with the current Facebook Policy!)
If you try to avoid the Facebook review, users won’t be able to use Facebook features implemented in your app (except developers and testers).
So my question to you guys is:
Is there a way to upload a photo to Facebook using facebook.showDialog() to get the user a chance to add a message to his photo upload?
Best regards