i got this bit of code to post some stuf to facebook. but when the facebook dialogue pops up it displays the app name but the rest is blank
function scene:enterScene(event) --print ("post to facebook") \_W = -29; storyboard.purgeScene("restart") restartbutton2:addEventListener("touch", start2) keeping\_score = false function onLoginSuccess() -- Upload 'corona.png' to current user's account attachment = { message = "I have achieved ".. score .. " points playing Helicopter BOB.... download for FREE iPhone & Android at www.site", source = { baseDir=system.ResourceDirectory, filename="corona.png", type="image" } } facebook.request( "me/photos", "POST", attachment ) facebook.request( "me/feed", "POST", {message = "I have achieved (".. score .. ") points, playing Helicopter BOB... download for FREE iPhone & Android at www.site"} ) end -- facebook listener function fbListener( event ) if event.isError then native.showAlert( "ERROR", event.response, { "OK" } ) else if event.type == "session" and event.phase == "login" then -- login was a success; call function onLoginSuccess() elseif event.type == "request" then -- this block is executed upon successful facebook.request() call native.showAlert( "Success", "Your Score has been uploaded.", { "OK" } ) end end end -- photo uploading requires the "publish\_stream" permission facebook.login( fbAppID, fbListener, { "publish\_stream" } ) end
Any idee what is can be ? ps this code was working before (mac corona 2013.1137)