Correction: It’s working on Android (barring Android 6.0), but on iOS, I do see the same issue.
The issue is coming from the iOS plugin, not the sample code.
Correction: It’s working on Android (barring Android 6.0), but on iOS, I do see the same issue.
The issue is coming from the iOS plugin, not the sample code.
So, did several tests and after uninstalling the Facebook app I was able to get the postID (so the facebook used the Safari to share).
I then installed the Facebook app back and got postID=(null) again. Maybe is it a Facebook app bug?
PS: Yes, I am testing on iOS
I can confirm that behavior as well, even after a completely fresh run. It seems that if the Facebook App is installed, Facebook won’t provide a PostID back to the native iOS side. So, I agree, the issue is with the Facebook app.
With the Facebook App installed, does the Corona Facebook sample report that you have successfully logged in before you try the Share Link Dialog button? This is expected behavior if you’re either not logged in, or have an expired access token.
Yes, I get a successful login. And other Share methods works fine, returning the postID
I am having a similar issue with Android 6 (Nexus 5). The post does get posted.
Here’s the code & response :
facebook.setFBConnectListener( onFbComplete ) local fbOptions = { placeId = locationId, } facebook.showDialog( 'link', fbOptions )