Hello all, i’m still a very noob programmer and thats why i have such silly question.
My game is a classical breakout but i’m running on a problem with respaw, i simple cant insert it on scenegroup from composer as a consequense i cant destroy it when change scenes. i will send a code and explain what is happening.
function \_pwup.createPowerUp(px,py,sceneGroup) local poweruptype = {} poweruptype[1] = 'shield' poweruptype[2] = 'magicmissiles' poweruptype[3] = 'fireball' poweruptype[4] = 'bolt' poweruptype[5] = 'wall' local rnd = math.random(1,#poweruptype) local powerup = display.newImage("images/powerups/"..poweruptype[rnd]..".png",px + math.random(-64,64) ,py + math.random(-32,32)) powerup.name = 'powerup' powerup.type = poweruptype[rnd]--'shield' powerup.level = composer.getSceneName('current') physics.addBody(powerup, "dynamic")--,{density = 1, friction = 0, bounce = 0}) powerup.isSensor = true powerup:setLinearVelocity(0,300) local function contact(self,event,sceneGroup) --self:removeSelf() if event.other.name == 'paddle' then print('angle:'..event.other.angle..", px: "..event.other.px) --- filtrando que powerup foi pego if self.type == 'shield' then print("force field") local shield = {} timer.performWithDelay( 5, function() shield = \_pwup.createShield(sceneGroup) end) elseif self.type == 'magicmissiles' then timer.performWithDelay( 5, function() shield = \_pwup.createMagicMissiles(event,sceneGroup) end) end end end powerup.collision = contact powerup:addEventListener("collision") sceneGroup:insert(powerup) end
that function is called when we break a brick, in a similar listener of collision. The main problem is that its showing an error when try to insert to sceneGroup the powerup.
I already used print, to see if the fields of scenegroup and the powerup are nil but all of then return a table.
Someone have any idea how to solve this? i whould appreciate alot any help.