Sorry for duplicate post… I didn’t realize there was a physics focused forum…
I am trying to figure out a way to modify the code from this awesome tutorial to predict Trajectory within a zero gravity environment. (Code from Brent Sorrentino below)
Full code here:
My key problem is determining how to display the object slowing down during the “prediction” phase of the code:
If you run this code is successfully follows the correct path.
If you un-comment out the linearDamping=.3 line then the physics object will slow down. Any suggestions on how I can modify the prediction code to account for linearDamping?
-- Physics Demo: Predicting Trajectory | Version: 1.0 -- Sample code is MIT licensed, see -- Copyright © 2013 Corona Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved. -- SPECIAL THANKS to Matt Webster (a.k.a. "HoraceBury") for the trajectory calculations! local physics = require("physics") ; physics.start() ; physics.setGravity( 0,0) ; physics.setDrawMode( "normal" ) display.setStatusBar( display.HiddenStatusBar ) --set up some references and other variables local ox, oy = math.abs(display.screenOriginX), math.abs(display.screenOriginY) local cw, ch = display.contentWidth, display.contentHeight --set up terrain and background local wallL = display.newRect( -ox, -oy, 40, ch+oy+oy ) physics.addBody(wallL, "static", { bounce=0.4, friction=1.0 } ) local wallR = display.newRect( cw-40+ox, -oy, 40, ch+oy+oy ) physics.addBody(wallR, "static", { bounce=0.4, friction=1.0 } ) local wallB = display.newRect( -ox, ch-40+oy, cw+ox+ox, 40 ) physics.addBody(wallB, "static", { bounce=0.2, friction=1.0 } ) local wallT = display.newRect( -ox, -oy, cw+ox+ox, 40 ) physics.addBody(wallT, "static", { bounce=0.2, friction=1.0} ) local msg = display.newText( "Touch, drag, and release to launch projectiles", 0, 0, "ContenuBook-Display", 40 ) msg:setTextColor(255,255,255,220) ; msg.x, msg.y = cw/2,110 local prediction = display.newGroup() ; prediction.alpha = 0.2 local line local function getTrajectoryPoint( startingPosition, startingVelocity, n ) --velocity and gravity are given per second but we want time step values here local t = 1/display.fps --seconds per time step at 60fps local stepVelocity = { x=t\*startingVelocity.x, y=t\*startingVelocity.y } --b2Vec2 stepVelocity = t \* startingVelocity local stepGravity = { x=t\*-.5, y=t\*0 } -- Applying Linear Inpulse return { x = startingPosition.x + n \* stepVelocity.x + 0.5 \* (n\*n+n) \* stepGravity.x, y = startingPosition.y + n \* stepVelocity.y + 0.5 \* (n\*n+n) \* stepGravity.y } --startingPosition + n \* stepVelocity + 0.25 \* (n\*n+n) \* stepGravity end local function updatePrediction( event ) display.remove( prediction ) --remove dot group prediction = display.newGroup() ; prediction.alpha = 0.2 --now recreate it local startingVelocity = { x=event.x-event.xStart, y=event.y-event.yStart } for i = 1,360 do --for (int i = 0; i \< 180; i++) local s = { x=event.xStart, y=event.yStart } local trajectoryPosition = getTrajectoryPoint( s, startingVelocity, i ) -- b2Vec2 trajectoryPosition = getTrajectoryPoint( startingPosition, startingVelocity, i ) local circ = display.newCircle( prediction, trajectoryPosition.x, trajectoryPosition.y, 5 ) end end local function moveStone() proj:applyLinearImpulse(-.046,0,proj.x, proj.y ) -- this duplicated in predicted trajectory above end function fireProj( event ) if ( event.xStart \< -ox+44 or event.xStart \> display.contentWidth+ox-44 or event.yStart \< -oy+44 or event.yStart \> display.contentHeight+oy-44 ) then display.remove( prediction ) return end proj = display.newImageRect( "object.png", 64, 64 ) physics.addBody( proj, { bounce=0.2, density=4.0, friction=5, radius=14 } ) proj.x, proj.y = event.xStart, event.yStart local vx, vy = event.x-event.xStart, event.y-event.yStart proj:setLinearVelocity( vx,vy ) -- proj.linearDamping = .3 Runtime:addEventListener("enterFrame",moveStone); end local function screenTouch( event ) local eventX, eventY = event.x, event.y if ( event.phase == "began" ) then line = display.newLine( eventX, eventY, eventX, eventY ) line.width = 4 ; line.alpha = 0.6 elseif ( event.phase == "moved" ) then display.remove( line ) line = display.newLine( event.xStart, event.yStart, eventX, eventY ) line.width = 4 ; line.alpha = 0.6 updatePrediction( event ) else display.remove( line ) updatePrediction( event ) fireProj( event ) end return true end Runtime:addEventListener( "touch", screenTouch )