I’m about to release a small biz app on apple/android. This is my first effort and have no knowledge of what actually happens in the stores re payments.
I’m envisioning selling the initial download for $4 - and expecting to get a $2/yr maintenance fee.
I’ve noticed that other app providers offering the same type of product have subscription packages - one was $8/MONTH, which was considerably higher than my one-time cost.
I began reading the Corona’s IAP paper (https://coronalabs.com/blog/2013/09/03/tutorial-understanding-in-app-purchases/) - but am not sure if I need that yet.
Question 1: can apps sold in apple/google stores support a subsequent-maintenance charge - or is that only achievable through the IAP?
Question 2: can the IAP tech stuff be integrated later after initial sales have been made?
Would love any advice/commentary from those of you who have dealt with this issue.