Princess Birthday Party Puzzles- New app from Laura Tallardy & Scott Adelman

Hey Coronaites!

Big news from myself and the prolific Scott Adelman Apps- our newest collaboration is out!  It’s a princess birthday party puzzle app.  You can probably tell what the app is about from the title but I’ll tell you more about it anyway :slight_smile:


It’s a fully animated app with 12 different puzzles with princess party scenes on each puzzle- complete the puzzle and the scene comes to life!  Pin the tail on the unicorn, blowing out candles, opening up presents, taking pet unicorns for a ride, pizza parties and magicians- you’ll feel like you’re right in the action!  Balloons even drift down for you to pop into colorful confetti.  A duo of precious kitten BFFS follow along- have fun spotting them in every scene!

The puzzles are adjustable so it can have more or less pieces, and you can turn the helper guides on and off.

The animations are really complex and intricate too- I spent the last six months working on nothing but these little princess puppets!  They were hand-drawn, painted in a picture book watercolor style, then assembled and animated very slowly and carefully.  I forgot how much work it is to bring a drawing to life :slight_smile:

it’s a really gorgeous and beautiful little app, if you have a little princess in your life I hope you’ll give it a try!

Here’s the free iOS version:

And the full iOS version:

And here is a fun little promo video I made so you can check it out before you download:

Thanks for checking out the app & for your support! :slight_smile:


This looks really great - fantastic work!

Just wondering what you used to do the animations - did you use Spine or something similar ?

Congrats on the release - I’m going to download now !

thanks jonsij!

you have a good eye- indeed it was spine. i don’t know if it was meant to handle complex scenes instead of just characters, but everything worked out fine in the end :slight_smile:

thanks for downloading- i hope you enjoy it!  :smiley:

This looks really great - fantastic work!

Just wondering what you used to do the animations - did you use Spine or something similar ?

Congrats on the release - I’m going to download now !

thanks jonsij!

you have a good eye- indeed it was spine. i don’t know if it was meant to handle complex scenes instead of just characters, but everything worked out fine in the end :slight_smile:

thanks for downloading- i hope you enjoy it!  :smiley: