Problem change value fill.effect.x in

Hello have one problem in this code segment:

  local paintImage = {
    type = "image",
    filename = "assets/jupiter.png",


  local planet = display.newCircle(planetGroup, _S.CX, _S.CY, 50 )
  planet.fill = paintImage
  planet.fill.x = 0
  planet.fill.y = 0 planet.fill.effect, { delay = 5000, x = 1 } )

i want to change planet.fill.x value in but noting works. why? when i try to set planet.fill.x manually it is ok.

I don’t know too much about fill effects, but I can see that you are applying the transition to planet.fill.effect and not to planet.fill.

That means you are trying to change the value of planet.fill.effect.x which is not the same as planet.fill.x.

thanks it is stupid error. that’s what happens if you sit awake, 14 hours :frowning: