Problem removing objects from book properly

Hi, i’m working with Books from Director in my Corona project and using text fields in it.
This has been really difficul since these ones dont remove easily, screens seem to overlap one upon another all the time. and if i want to clean the text fields, i have to pass at least two screens to make them disappear, i’d really appreciate if someone has an idea of how to do this properly, and be able to remove text fields every time i slide to other screen.

Note: *When i build to my android device, everything seems to be fine, they’re removing properly from every screen, but in my simulator on Mac the problem persists, and in iOS Simulator as well, so this leads me to my second question and is…

In order to test my app in iOS devices ( not in simulator) , do i have to enroll in the iOS Developer Program, which means do i have to pay just for the test?
Thanks in advance for any help
and much more thanks for this marvellous tool
Corona Rocks =D [import]uid: 155683 topic_id: 28552 reply_id: 328552[/import]

Hey Alejandro,

I cannot really comment on Director stuff as it’s third party, although I have used it a lot (not for books) and have never had a problem removing text fields - maybe you could share some code?

As to your question about testing on device, you do need to enroll in the iOS developer program, yes. This is because to install an app on your device it needs to be signed with a provisioning profile. You do not need a paid Corona license to test on device however.

I hope that helps!

Peach :slight_smile: [import]uid: 52491 topic_id: 28552 reply_id: 115092[/import]

Ok so this is my code, i’m keeping a different value for every different screen so i’m using the same object textField but, with different “id”, and as i said before, on my android device everything looks fine, when i slide between screens, old textField removes and a new one appears…like it’s supposed to be, but in Corona simulator and iOS Simulator, textFields seems to overlap one above another, and only remove properly when i pass at least 2 screens…

i’m not able to test on iOS device yet, so in the meantime i wanted to ask you guys if im doing good or not…

Thanks for any help


localGroup.start = function()
print( "Pagina Actual: " … )

–Supuesto recolector de basura
localGroup.clean = function()
local valorTexto = “”

if( == “screen1”) then
stop_btn.isVisible = false
idStr= “idStr1”
valorTexto = _G.var1
elseif ( == “screen2”) then
stop_btn.isVisible = false
idStr = “idStr2”
valorTexto = _G.var2
elseif ( == “screen3”) then
stop_btn.isVisible = false
idStr = “idStr3”
valorTexto = _G.var3
elseif ( == “screen4”) then
stop_btn.isVisible = false
idStr = “idStr4”
valorTexto = _G.var4
elseif ( == “screen5”) then
stop_btn.isVisible = false
idStr = “idStr5”
valorTexto = _G.var5
elseif ( == “screen6”) then
stop_btn.isVisible = false
idStr = “idStr6”
valorTexto = _G.var6
elseif ( == “screen7”) then
stop_btn.isVisible = false
idStr = “idStr7”
valorTexto = _G.var7
elseif ( == “screen8”) then
print(“boton stop visible”)
stop_btn.isVisible = true
_G.campoTexto.isVisible = false


if ( “screen1” and “screen2” and “screen8”) then
_G.campoTexto = native.newTextField( 0, 140, display.contentWidth, 80,fHandler( ( function ()return _G.campoTexto end ) ,idStr) )
_G.campoTexto.text = valorTexto
_G.campoTexto.isVisible = true


[/code] [import]uid: 155683 topic_id: 28552 reply_id: 115283[/import]