Problem when switching scenes


I have 2 scenes and I’m trying to switch from one to another with a button.

When I go back to a scene I was in previously, all the assets from the old scene pop up again.

tried purge, removeall, but it didnt work…

Anyone knows what i’m doing wrong?

same problem here

Are you using Storyboard or Director or some other scene manager?

If you’re using storyboard, are you adding all objects into the scene’s view (the “group:insert(object)” stuff?

Storyboard. Tried doing that but i have physics and listeners, and it brings up all the listener functions that are affected by physics once i switch scenes

Can you either remove (temporarily) these physics listeners, or pause/stop the physics engine before you switch scenes? Are the physics objects meant to persist between scenes, or are you switching from a physics-based scene (game) to a non-physics-based scene (menu)?


I tried removing the listeners and stopping the physics but it doesnt work.

I want to have only 1 scene with physics, the second one should be a menu

same problem here

Are you using Storyboard or Director or some other scene manager?

If you’re using storyboard, are you adding all objects into the scene’s view (the “group:insert(object)” stuff?

Storyboard. Tried doing that but i have physics and listeners, and it brings up all the listener functions that are affected by physics once i switch scenes

Can you either remove (temporarily) these physics listeners, or pause/stop the physics engine before you switch scenes? Are the physics objects meant to persist between scenes, or are you switching from a physics-based scene (game) to a non-physics-based scene (menu)?


I tried removing the listeners and stopping the physics but it doesnt work.

I want to have only 1 scene with physics, the second one should be a menu