The code below works because the filter effect used is “filter.hue”
if you replace “filter.hue” by “filter.invert” it does not draw anything !!!
if ( system.getInfo( "gpuSupportsHighPrecisionFragmentShaders" ) ) then
local snapshot = display.newSnapshot( 200, 200 )
object = display.newCircle(100, 100, 100 )
object.xScale = 10
object.yScale = 10
object.fill.effect = "generator.sunbeams"
object.fill.effect.posX = 0.5
object.fill.effect.posY = 0.5
object.fill.effect.aspectRatio = 1
object.fill.effect.seed = 1
snapshot.group:insert( object )
snapshot.fill.effect = "filter.hue"
snapshot.fill.effect.angle = 200
snapshot.fill.effect.numTiles = 32
snapshot.x = display.contentCenterX
snapshot.y = display.contentCenterY
transition.to( snapshot, { time=1000, rotation=250} )
Need Help !