Problem with json.decode

When I access my phpscript the output look like this:

When I try to get it to my app something is wrong with the response from the server:
From server: This site requires Javascript to work, please enable Javascript in your browser or use a browser with Javascript support

Here is the code in the main.lua:

local json = require ("json")
local decodedData 
local myNewData 

local function networkListener( event )
  if ( event.isError ) then
     print( "Network error!")
     myNewData = event.response
     print ("From server: "..myNewData)
     decodedData = (json.decode( myNewData))

network.request( "", "GET", networkListener )

Somebody have an idea what I should do?

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There’s no issue with json.decode. Your issue is with your host, InfinityFree, which forbids what you are trying to accomplish, i.e. you can’t use their free hosting as a backend for your app.

Thank you, thought I was gonna be crazy :slight_smile: