Problem with LFS

The game crashes on the phone, but everything is fine in Corona Simulator

local function preloadImage(fileDirectory, fileName, tableToInsert)
    local texture = graphics.newTexture({
        type = "image",
        filename = string.format("%s/%s", fileDirectory, fileName),
        baseDir = system.ResourceDirectory
    tableToInsert[fileName] = texture

local lfs = require("lfs")
for _,value in ipairs(toLoad.character) do
    local oldPath = string.format("%s%s", texturesFolder, value)
    local path = system.pathForFile(oldPath, system.ResourceDirectory)
    loaded.character[value] = {}
    local array = loaded.character[value]
    for file in lfs.dir(path) do
        if string.find(file, ".png") then
            preloadImage(oldPath, file, array)

Android apps are archives. They can’t be traversed like regular folders because they don’t have such.

One work-around is to create a list of the files you want to go through while you’re on the simulator and then just iterate through the list when on running the app on a real device.

okay thank you