Problem with Lua Glider Or Corona

“C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\keytool.exe”–genkey –v –keystore newkey.keystore –alias newkey –keyalg RSA –validity 10000


or try this:


cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\


keytool –genkey –v –keystore C:\newkey.keystore –alias newkey –keyalg RSA –validity 10000



this will create the file in the top level directory of your C drive.  Of if you want it in your home directory:


keytool –genkey –v –keystore %HOMEPATH%\newkey.keystore –alias newkey –keyalg RSA –validity 10000

Whit entering keytool.ese on bin directory  a new error appear, in this case after enter cd keytool.exe : the name of the directory isnt valid. 

So i change cd with put start , so a new screen appears but finally close. after, i enter:  –genkey –v –keystore newkey.keystore –alias newkey –keyalg RSA –validity10000

But, a error appear : genkey is not recognized as internal or external command.

with the second way, i enter : keytool –genkey –v –keystore C:\newkey.keystore –alias newkey –keyalg RSA –validity 10000

But another error appear :  keytool error. java.lang.RuntimeException: Error of use, ûgenkey is not a legal command

It looks to me like the -'s have been converted to a non-ASCII character known as an ndash.  It’s possible that the blog software or where ever you copied the code from changed the - to this non-ASCII version.  Just retype the line (don’t copy/paste) and use the minus sign on your keyboard for the -'s and that should take care of it.


the same error appear.

It says this Error: “Keytool error: new.keystore (Access is denied)”

Sounds like your computer is pretty locked down.  Please use the version that outputs to your home directory (the last version).

keytool -genkey -v -keystore %HOMEPATH%\newkey.keystore -alias newkey -keyalg RSA -validity 10000

I’ve fixed the dashes, so you should be able to copy/paste that line.


Thanks Thanks Thanks Rob!!! finally i do it , thanks.

Now, finally to up to playstore my aplication appear this message, the las one.

Upload failed

You uploaded an APK that can be debugged. For security reasons, you should disable debugging to publish the file in Google Play. More information about APK files debuggable

What should i do?

That tells me you’re still telling Corona to use your debug keystore.  You have to use the keystore you created in the above step on the Corona SDK build screen.  You will pick the keystore by navigating to the file you created.  Then you  have to pick the alias that you defined.


i selected the newkey that i have created now, i enter the new passwords, but the error when im going to upload is still there

Can you post a screen shot if your Corona SDK build screen just before  you hit the build button.  Please do not blur out any fields.


i cant upload a screen shoy sorry


What i have to do?

It’s under the “More Reply Options” button.


What version of Corona SDK are you using?

Corona Simulator - 2013.1076 (2013.4.3)

The current public build is 2511.  1076 is significantly out of touch with today’s stores.  You will need to either a) upgrade to 1260, the last Graphics 1.0 public build.  However if you’re using Google Play things like AdMob, IAP, etc.  You will need to upgrade to the latest public build, 2511.  You may still need to upgrade to 2511 anyway due to significant changes in store policies (For Apple, you most certainly will need 2511).

Builds with a build # greater than 2000 are Graphics 2.0 which are breaking changes from Graphics 1.0.  Please see:


Thanks Rob I upload the app to play store!!!


But now, i want to install the app on my mobile phone, and qhen i want to run the app a message appear.

Glider Debugger Warning!

Glider debugger libraries are still included on the device!You probably meant to click build instead of debug/run.Please click the hammer icon when you wish to deploy on the device

This message appear in the corona simulator, on my phone and everywhere, What i have to do to delete this?


Kier, You will have to read up on how to build through glider. The build buttons will fix this. I am not in front of my development machine now but I believe the button looks like a hammer.

This is an issue with Glider.  Basically they include a debugging module in your code automatically.  You can’t use Corona’s build command, but let Glider to it so that it removes the module for you.  If you want to hand build the module, there is probably a line at the top of your main.lua that’s including the debugging module.

If you’re going to use Glider, it’s best to do things the way they want you to do it.
