I’m trying to post to my wall on pressing the button using GGfacebook lib. Simplepost doesn’t work.
This code works, so I know that my facebook app preferences are okay.
local GGFacebook = require "GGFacebook" local widget = require("widget") local facebook = GGFacebook:new( "582371231835090") facebook:login() buttonRelease = facebook:showDialog( "feed", { message="You should download this game!" } ) print( facebook:isLoggedIn() ) local button = widget.newButton { defaultFile = "button1.png", overFile = "button2.png", onRelease = buttonRelease, }
It works, but yet there are some issues:
- the dialog shows up when the app starts not when the button is released
- the message is not shown.
Will be glad if you clear it out. thanks!