I was wondering what the preferred method is to resize a level once you already have content on the level?
I resized a level from:
iPhone 6 Portrait (750x1334) single screen,
iPad Air Portrait 2x tall (1536x4096),
To ensure proper positioning of my existing level content, I set offsets for Y to 2048, which would place my content at the bottom of this new size. Sadly everything has received overly large offsets, pushing the level content way out of screen boundaries.
Ex: a wall tile that was at X:80 Y:200 is now at X:80 Y:41,160
Is this expected behaviour? I’ve tried several times with several different types of offsets and screen sizes and in each case have gotten very large offsets for my level content.
I would manually re-position everything, but the content consist of far too many assets. (ex: a single background layer has 80 tiles on it).
Thanks for any help!