Hi all,
Please can you suggest the best way for me to handle the coding of this puzzle.
(See attached image)
Following the Getting Started tutorials, (specifically the code about how to drag the ship), I have successfully been able to code all the bricks and the key, to move/be dragged up and down or left and right on their respective paths.
Next I want to…
- Prevent the bricks from exiting the grid area.
- Prevent the bricks and the key from passing through each other.
- When the player has fully slid the key out of the bottom of the grid area, I want the game to recognise that this event has occurred so I can add the key to the players inventory and mark the puzzle as completed.
Would all 3 things be a physics need?
I’ve not had any reason to use the physics engine before, so totally green to its capabilities.
Or is it a case of coding x/y coordinates and/or heights/widths etc??
Is it a maths thing?
If you could be so kind as to point me in the right direction, I am sure I can figure it out, its just knowing what I need to research or best practices in these situations which is all new to me.
Thanks in advance