Promote your app within my app!

Hello all,

I’m in the process of developing a Vegas-style slot machine app for mobile. Very much in the style of Slots for iPhone :

Would anyone out there with apps on the iTunes app store be interested in promoting their game within my app in exchange for providing assets for me (themed to your app) to create a themed slot machine?

Basically, I need as many themes for slot machines as I can get, so my idea was to create machines that were themed to existing apps.  Basically all you would need to do is provide 12 symbols, a couple of icons and a background.  These assets would then be used as a skin for one of the machines and during the game, the player would be given the option to download your game from the app store.

I’m not asking for any revenue, it’s completely without strings.  Although a link-back to my app would be nice (but certainly not essential!)

If you have any questions, please PM me here or email me : digitaloranges at