Provisioning Profile not showing when building for IOS


Trying to Build for iPhone X.

Have the last version of Corona installed plus the latest Xcode version installed.

I both have the development and distribution profiles installed in the keychain.

Also the provisioning profiles are in the keychain.

Any ideas what could be wrong?


Normally the provisioning profiles are not something that would show in Keychain Access.  Keychain Access holds the keys and certificates. Xcode manages the provisioning profiles.  You can manually check them by looking in the folder:

~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles

You also have to restart Corona after making any chnages to keys, certs and profiles.


HI Rob



Normally the provisioning profiles are not something that would show in Keychain Access.  Keychain Access holds the keys and certificates. Xcode manages the provisioning profiles.  You can manually check them by looking in the folder:

~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles

You also have to restart Corona after making any chnages to keys, certs and profiles.


HI Rob



@rob Hi there,
I got the same issue and there’s no ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles folder found, is there any rules changes?
(MBP, Corona Simulator Version 2025.3717 (2025.2.9) )
Please help me with this, thanks!


Rob isn’t an active member of the community any more, and you’re replying to an eight-year-old thread…

Have you been able to build for iOS in the past and it’s not working?