Provisioning student work, how are you handling it?

Hi, I’m preparing to teach a class in developing IOS apps. I’m registered as an IOS edutcational developer with Apple. I’m trying to work out how we are going to provision student work for devices. I’d like to hear how other programs are approaching this. If anyone can point me to a tutorial or description of how to do this that would be great.

The educational license allows us to invite up to 200 students as collaborators. I’m not clear on whether this will allow students to download and install their own Developer Certificate or not. Ideally it would be good if students could set up their own app IDs and provisioning files. [import]uid: 98652 topic_id: 20831 reply_id: 320831[/import]

Been through this many times in the past 2 1/2 years!

Yes, it does allow the students to download and install their own developer certificate, even the non-beta of xCode can be installed through their account.
You will have to do the initial invite to your students (just enter their email and name).

I have found (if you trust your students) that it is much easier on you as the admin to set your students up as admins so that they can approve their own provisioning. Otherwise they may have to wait hours/days for you to see the email and approve the provisioning or any minor change they made.
I use to have a tutorial, but apple keeps tweaking the process, so it’s not of much use any more. I’ll put the remake of it on my to-do list. [import]uid: 6551 topic_id: 20831 reply_id: 82281[/import]

Thanks for the reply Brian. It’s good to know about admin feature.

Do you have students install their certificates on school machines? I’d like to walk everyone through the process in class. [import]uid: 98652 topic_id: 20831 reply_id: 82288[/import]

Yes, I also have them copy the certificate to a flash drive in case it gets deleted. [import]uid: 6551 topic_id: 20831 reply_id: 82352[/import]

The Apple developer and app provisioning is very frustrating. It appears that only a member with Admin permissions can create App IDs and add devices.

This means that if I have a classroom full of students either I have to make all of the app IDs or I have to have 20 Admins.

As an Admin it looks like you can delete devices or App IDs create by others.

Is it possible to create a generic App ID for each student that will work with more than one app? [import]uid: 98652 topic_id: 20831 reply_id: 82772[/import]

Yes, I did it for my Corona experimentation. It has worked without any major problems.
[import]uid: 6551 topic_id: 20831 reply_id: 83149[/import]