Hey Guys,
I have been using the Corona Cloud API for a week now and till now everything was working like a charm for me.
However today I started running into problems when I tried to get user invites together with push notifications to work.
I am able to register devices for push notifications (using coronaCloud.registerDevice(system.getInfo(“deviceID”))
However when I try to send a push notification via the web interface, this message is returned to me:
_We’re sorry, but something went wrong._We’ve been notified about this issue and we’ll take a look at it shortly.
I have followed the tutorial and pasted my Android API key under Push notifications/settings…I am not really sure what goes wrong with this one.
About the user invite function, how is the invite made visible to the user you are sending the invite to?
I have tried to send an invite and than login to another account and just call acceptChallenge(withAppropriateGameID) however the user is not showing up in the game’s players.
I am looking forward to your help.
Thanks in advance!