I’m using PushWoosh to send push notifications to my corona’s app. I receive correctly the notifications sent from the PushWoosh web and when I open my app from the notification and it’s on an active state I get an alert with the entire notification message. Otherwise when the app is on an inactive state and I open it from the notification I get an alert with all the notification info (event.type, name, sound, alert…) and I want it to display only the event.alert.
When the app is active I’m using:
native.showAlert( “SSCC”, event.alert , { “OK” } )
And when its inactive I use
if launchArgs and launchArgs.notification then
native.showAlert( “SSCC”, json.encode( launchArgs.notification ), { “OK” } )
How can I change this last method to display only the event.alert as when the app is active?