My apps do not receive the notification remoteRegistration at app start on any build after .2115. If I create a small test app with nothing but the event runtime and event listener, it works as expected on all builds.
So I went and looked at the next build after .2115 to see if there could be any obvious reason for a problem. After .2115 it jumps to .2119 with what looks to be many internal changes.
On devices that have the apps already installed with a token saved on Parse, they do receive the “remote” push notification. So that notification works on later builds, it just never receives the remoteRegistration event type. It’s easy to test on new devices or by deleting the apps and reinstalling to setup push again.
I don’t have the time or the will to determine what happened in Corona to find this bug. As mentioned, a small test app works as expected. I have also cut down one of my apps to the basics to match the test app, still no notifications. So for now build .2115 or lower works for me, however I will need to move forward sooner or later. If anyone else experiences this, please add your thoughts here.