Push "remoteRegistration" not being received after build .2115

My apps do not receive the notification remoteRegistration at app start on any build after .2115. If I create a small test app with nothing but the event runtime and event listener, it works as expected on all builds.

So I went and looked at the next build after .2115 to see if there could be any obvious reason for a problem. After .2115 it jumps to .2119 with what looks to be many internal changes. 

On devices that have the apps already installed with a token saved on Parse, they do receive the “remote” push notification. So that notification works on later builds, it just never receives the remoteRegistration event type. It’s easy to test on new devices or by deleting the apps and reinstalling to setup push again.

I don’t have the time or the will to determine what happened in Corona to find this bug. As mentioned, a small test app works as expected. I have also cut down one of my apps to the basics to match the test app, still no notifications. So for now build .2115 or lower works for me, however I will need to move forward sooner or later.  If anyone else experiences this, please add your thoughts here.

I am having this exact same issue. Receiving all the regular “remote” events but never the remoteRegistration one in the most recent builds… We accidentally updated our app using one of those builds and now our app lacks proper push notification services.

Can you build the Push notification sample app and confirm its happening there?

If so, can you file a bug report and when you get the confirmation email, post the bugID number back here?



Hey Rob, thanks for the quick response. I managed to debug it further and realized it was more an Apple bug. I fixed my issue by shutting going to the iOS settings app and turn off notifications for my app (By flicking “Show on notification center” to off), then closed my app from the multi-task menu completely, then turned notifications back on and turned my app back on again. Fixed it :slight_smile:

Thanks again,


I am glad you solved the problem. Unfortunately that was one of the first things I did try. I have never experienced a bug that doing that solved, but it made sense to try.


I did finally get a small test app to fail yesterday. I then created a bug report. It is bug case 29616.

The problem affected my iPad 1 and iPad 3 (iOS 7) the same. Also my tester who uses an iPad 2 had the same issue.

Following the steps I wrote earlier I can’t seem to fix it for my other device running iOS 6.x. So that fix perhaps only applies to iOS 7.x or was maybe a one time thing for me.

I have verified that a userbase of thousands of users are experiencing the same issue with several different devices and iOS versions, so I don’t know if it is limited to the device/iOS version or if it is an issue with Corona.

Anderoth did you make any progress recently? I need to get ours resolved ASAP as we have thousands of users now complaining about the issue and need to get a fix for it out asap.

I have not. I just moved back to build .2115. It works as it should. Build .2119 either has a code change or a build configuration change that causes the problem. All I could do was bug report it.

Ah great! Will give it a try as well, thanks.

Edit: Thanks a lot, can confirm .2115 works for me as well. Saved my week =)

Any news on this? The bug report or anyone from Ansca who can shed some light on any progress made? As it would be nice to be able to upgrade to a later Daily Build with functioning push notifications.


Have you filed a bug report on this?  If not, I need you to.


It has been done already, Anderoth filed one earlier with the id #29616. Any news on it?

Running into this issue now as well on 2152. Confirmed working 2115.  

This should be top priority imho, posted in each daily build summary as a known issue until fixed. 

@Corona, perhaps it is an issue with some push settings cache or something? Not sure how the internals of push notifications work but thousands of our users experienced this bug with the post .2115 builds. I managed to fix it on my own device somehow by resetting the notification settings for the app inside the iOS settings but that fix was only temporary and soon after I rebuilt my app and reinstalled it on my device it broke once again. The fix I wrote in my previous post worked on none of my other devices either and didn’t seem to work for anyone else besides a very lucky few and even then it was only temporary until next reinstall. But using build .2115 or one before that this bug seems to be non existent.

So whatever after .2115 that changed could perhaps have something to do with some setting that gets altered when you change the notification settings of the app inside the iOS Settings app.

Sorry if it sounds confusing, just woke up and am barely functioning as a human but just thought this might help a bit with debugging.

I can’t find that report Anderoth made (Case 29616) on http://bugs.anscamobile.com/

@Miracle: Could the report have failed for some reason?

You can’t look up other people’s bugs.   It’s in there.  Engineering is aware of it and they are trying to track it down.


I am having this exact same issue. Receiving all the regular “remote” events but never the remoteRegistration one in the most recent builds… We accidentally updated our app using one of those builds and now our app lacks proper push notification services.

Can you build the Push notification sample app and confirm its happening there?

If so, can you file a bug report and when you get the confirmation email, post the bugID number back here?



Hey Rob, thanks for the quick response. I managed to debug it further and realized it was more an Apple bug. I fixed my issue by shutting going to the iOS settings app and turn off notifications for my app (By flicking “Show on notification center” to off), then closed my app from the multi-task menu completely, then turned notifications back on and turned my app back on again. Fixed it :slight_smile:

Thanks again,


I am glad you solved the problem. Unfortunately that was one of the first things I did try. I have never experienced a bug that doing that solved, but it made sense to try.


I did finally get a small test app to fail yesterday. I then created a bug report. It is bug case 29616.

The problem affected my iPad 1 and iPad 3 (iOS 7) the same. Also my tester who uses an iPad 2 had the same issue.