Hi All
anyone know a way of stoping 2 dynamic bodies pushing each other? i have set the LinearVelocity on both objects so they move to each other but don’t want them to be able to push each other arround. oh and i have also set the fixed rotation:
when ether object moves towards the other while colliding pushing occurs…
physics.addBody(object1,“dynamic”,{density = 0, friction = 0, bounce = 0});
object1.isFixedRotation = true
physics.addBody(object2,“dynamic”,{density = 0, friction = 0, bounce = 0});
object2.isFixedRotation = true
object1:setLinearVelocity(ob1dirx*20, ob1diry*20)
object2:setLinearVelocity(ob2dirx*20, ob2diry*20)