Py2Corona - A python helper for Corona SDK projects

Hello devs, I’ve been developing something (to be honest, I do not know how to call it) like a transpiler, or a parser for Corona.

The idea is to treat the Corona SDK code like an assembler language. You develop in Python - some usefull functions, UI and interactions of your application, compile and then, you have your lua code ready to run and build in coronalabs servers.

Actually I’m making this for fun. But if i could make the Py2Corona create consistent lua code, or just wrap UI components, making the creation of minimally beautifull screes easier, i think that this could be usefull one day … who knows … Haha

The code:

All opinions are welcome.

If you want to contribute, feel free

WoW! I had requested it to Coronalabs. But it was not accepted.

You’re a hero! Python is very popular language and it has a lot of developers.

Cheers for your project! It’s very nice! :slight_smile:

WoW! I had requested it to Coronalabs. But it was not accepted.

You’re a hero! Python is very popular language and it has a lot of developers.

Cheers for your project! It’s very nice! :slight_smile: