QR Scanner

I have try it , But it’s still crash.

Can you please try different QR codes and different barcodes to see if the issue depends on it?

@Lerg - with regards to the QR Code Generator, I thought you might want to offer both the Reader and the Writer in one simple plugin.

As Rob says, it is trivial to generate the QR Code just by using one of the many Restful api’s out there - I am using the Google Charts API to create the QR Codes using network.download()










Thanks for the Reader and keep up the great work.

I try with another QR and Barcode it’s still crash.

Generating requires different libs to be included, to much additional work. These libs will take disk space and many people won’t need them, therefore they might increase end app size without any necessity.

Thanks for the network example.

mongkon6, have you tried building only the sample project? https://github.com/Lerg/plugins-sample-qrscanner
Can you send me your APK that crashes?

Great job! Just donated and will be donating more :slight_smile:

Yay! Thank you!

Dear Lerg,

Just wondering whether it is possible to :

  1. Put in own or customize the top-bar. (e.g. set the text color, background color, width/height of the bar, x/y of the bar )
  2. Mask out the background with a black-transparent, and only leave the scanning-box to be visible
  3. Put in own or customize the dashed-white lines


Thanks for the plugin. This is exactly what I need for my pet project  :slight_smile:

Unfortunately it crashes my app.This seems to happen when the qr scanner recognizes a qr code, but the listener is never called (or so it seems).

Your example app works very well, but adding the same code to my existing project crashed the app. So I started to minimize my app (which uses composer) to the bare minimum. Attached is this simplified app. At least in my place this crashes consistently.

It may very wel be something stupid about how I’ve implementing things that results in the crash, but I’m not able to figure it out…

Please have a go and see if you get the same behaviour.


This is APK of my project https://www.dropbox.com/s/1661gd0b47xqfbb/PayAllDev.apk?dl=0

you can goto register section and scroll to scan QR code in bottom screen.

My android oppo and samsung work fine with you sample project.

runewinse, mongkon6,

Just submitted a possible fix. Please try when it’s ready.

Some of it is possible to implement. I can do it later on. 

Great! How do we know when it’s ready?

Should be less than 1 hour. When you run the Simulator you can spot the message that the plugin has been updated.

Yesss! Now It’s work perfect on my Oppo & Samsung.

Now, My project is work on iOS/Android.

Thanks you for this plugin, Will donate to you.  :smiley:

Great to hear it! This seems to be the last bug, now it’s really ready for everyone to use.

Thanks Lerg!

It does indeed seem to work very well now!
