The friction’default value is 0.3, but there is a problem :
when a circle slips over a ramp, the circle gives differents responds if the friction value is explicity 0.3.
If i don’t write it, the circle slide but don’t rotate ( just like if the default friction value was 0 )
Thanks for explains.
local w,h=display.contentWidth,display.contentHeight local wC,hC=w/2,h/2 local g=display.newGroup() g.x,g.y=wC,hC local cc=display.newCircle(g,0,0, 50) local ll=display.newLine(g, 0, 0, 100, 0 ) ll.strokeWidth=8 ll:setStrokeColor(1,0,0) physics.addBody( g, {radius=50,friction=0.3} ) local sol=display.newRect( wC, h, 300, 300) physics.addBody( sol, "static") sol.rotation=3 physics.setDrawMode( "hybrid" ) g:toFront() timer.performWithDelay( 100, function( ) print( g.rotation ) -- with the friction, it's rotate, but without writing the friction it doesn't (but slids) end ,30 )