Until recently, I have been doing a sort of native builds. But slowly I have been modifying the Solar2d Simulator build to do non google play builds.
- Download a recent version of Solar2d.
- Select Samsung from the build menu.
- I use my HyperBid plugin for ads.
Documentation can be found here:
GitHub - agramonte/com.cabagomez-plugin.hyperbid: Solar2d Hyperbid monetization plugin for Android & iOS.
Although not in the documentation I add it this way:
["plugin.hyperbid"] =
publisherId = "com.cabagomez",
supportedPlatforms = { ["android-nongoogle"] = true }
I have these network-enabled for that plugin Inmobi and Pangle. Since they are the only two networks that I found that support Huawei. Although I do plan to add the Huawei ads. I just have not.
- Then I use my plugin:
["plugin.installerName"] =
publisherId = "com.cabagomez"
And put a check in any place in my code that I might call or initiate anything related to Google. Something like this:
local ipn = require("plugin.installerName")
M.vendor = ipn.getInstallerName()
if M.vendor == "com.android.vending" then
-- do some google stuff only here
I have these if statements for other stores when needed:
com.amazon.venezia – Amazon
com.android.vending – Google
com.huawei.appmarket – Huawei
com.huawei.gamebox – Huawei
com.oopo.market – Oppo
com.sec.android.app.samsungapps – Samsung
com.samsung.android.scloud – Samsung
I am trying to get more plugins for the individual stores into the normal simulator build but it is slow going.