Question about purchasing inApp on different platforms...

I wonder if there still has to be a difference to call a purchase on Apple Store or Google Store like this:




Can store purchase calls done with one line of code or is there still a need to differ between the stores like shown here?

I’m not 100% sure about this, but I believe all three IAP setups allow you to pass a table to store.purchase().  Amazon and Google allow single items to be passed. There is nothing wrong with a table with a single item, so you should be able to use that singular code line to do what you need to do.


I’m not 100% sure about this, but I believe all three IAP setups allow you to pass a table to store.purchase().  Amazon and Google allow single items to be passed. There is nothing wrong with a table with a single item, so you should be able to use that singular code line to do what you need to do.
