Hey guys, i have a dobut, can you make an object rotate around another object? (set the anchor x and y on the other object x and y?
I’m making a guy hold a lantern (top view), i can make the guy rotate and move perfectly but if i rotate the lantern it will rotate on its own reference point (center of the .png), i know how to change the reference point on the object itself (setReferencePoint( display.TopLeftReferencePoint) for example) but im not sure if u can set it to another object x,y.
I could put some screenshots here for u to see what im trying to do if u dont understand it, but i cant post any code with my WIP since i have no idea how to make it rotate like that, however i will submit any piece of code u want of the working stuff.
Thanks in advance and excuse my english (spanish speaker here :P)
Again, if u dont understand what im trying to do just ask me i will try to explain myself a bit better.
Edit: typo
Edit: apparently the setReferencePoint is deprecated and need to use the anchors, it wont fix the problem anyways :/, i cant put the guy and the lantern on the same .png since the lantern has alpha on it and the guy is solid.